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Tony HellerPLUS



NASA Ministry Of Truth

  - 21:08

A detailed look at NASA alterations to the global temperature record over the past 40 years. They have completely rewritten earth history.






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April 2nd 2021  

File Size: 265 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

The Danish viking king Knud was a very wise man but he did occupy Norway and England. That was not a nice thing to do! 😀


- 3 years ago  

NASA Ministry of Truth - 1960’s Right Stuff NASA scientists, indignant about today’s NASA scientists scurrilous push to refocus away from Moon and Mars travel and instead focus more on so called fantasy Earth made up CO2 Global warming, wrote a letter blasting today’s NASA scientists, asking they stop this, pointing out there are mountains of scientific data proving CO2 has no large or even small effect on the Earth’s weather and that the existence of “Global Warming” from CO2 increases are not substantiated. This signed letter by 49 former NASA “Right Stuff” scientists is exactly what Tony Heller has been saying and proving himself these past 13 years on his website ——————. Thanks Tony!


- 3 years ago  

Young people who know no better are buying it.


- 3 years ago  

Did anyone (else but me) that the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is under the provision of the "Uniform Code of Military Justice" Under Article 2, Subsection (a), Section 8 "Members of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Public Health Service, and other organizations, when assigned to and serving with the armed forces."


- 3 years ago  

Thanks Tony for your unrelenting revelation of the TRUTH. You are one of the most important chroniclers of our age. We do our part by disseminating your message. We live in a society run by propagandists. I hope you and the Truth finally prevail.


- 3 years ago  

NASA has been corrupted into an enemy to the freedom and spirit of the American ppl and the ppl of the world. They are nothing now but a propaganda outlet for the globalist bullies bent on corrupting ALL of America's institutions.


- 3 years ago  

What I do not get is that the majority of the data comes from the USA. This by no means tells us what the global temperature is, has been, or will be. It must be a computer model, and we all know how accurate that is hahahaha!


- 3 years ago  

Hey benditover! How about you learn something instead of just being a toy boy for Tony!!...


- 3 years ago  

Ah, so there it is. You finally revealed why you’re here, incessantly attempting to troll, with zero troll skills and completely void of any creativity or humor. Your spelling and grammar are atrocious too, but that’s typical of the spergalorian clan due to their love of vaccines. I won’t hold that against you. You’re jealous of Tony. No surprise there. When shame is your psychological operating platform, jealousy is always the result. Have you considered trying to excavate this subconscious shame that colors your entire reality, turning you into a self loathing, impotent loser that just wants to exterminate life on the planet out of spite?


- 3 years ago  

Hey fuck, how you been!!? 🤗


- 3 years ago  

Well, The Italian and German Fascists thought they were the good guys too! Just like the radical Left thinks they are the good warriors now! These socially trained idiots lack the capacity for critical thinking and never question those in authority issue them inane orders to loot and destroy! That’s why when Biden alluded to China’s having Concentration Camps and other disgusting forms of political suppression of thought and expression, as just “cultural difference” we all should have realized what path we’re really on! These monsters are effectively supporting death camps because nothing can stop China now. And, the duckers are sponsoring an American version of their plan. They must be dealt with by the population and soon as a real democratic action. If not, it may be too late. We may already have our real version of a Hitler in the form of Biden, and/or other political “leaders” rising up during this madness. The criminals need to be dealt with for inciting and supporting genocide. Their punishment must be severe! They are clearly inciting the collapse of civilization, and Biden seems to be approving of it! But, I hope our nation’s people wake up and open their eyes. The price to be paid for ignoring reality can be very dear indeed!


- 3 years ago  

Thank you for this post, Tony! ALERT! The NASA War Document REVEALED! REPENT in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene!


- 3 years ago  

Additional information ℹ️ MIND BLOWING Augmented Virtual Reality Multi Billion Dollar Contracts of Cuomo & NASA, Army, Marines, National Guard, and MORE, REVEALED!


- 3 years ago  

Ever wonder why they're not trying to scare us with global milding?


- 3 years ago  

What is intelligence ? It's a way for a group of people with money to bullshit the public and get away with it. You pay the news media to pump out bullshit and alarm the leadership and everyone runs for cover, leaving their wallets on the table. They've been doing it with the Nuclear testing program, it's all laughable.


- 3 years ago  

Also, the 1870 Seattle, Washington heat wave. July 6th, 1870 a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded. Democrats are not going to stop with the current $2 trillion dollar climate change trojan horse. The United States is going to go bankrupt if they are not stopped leading to global instability. Anybody who thinks they are going to retrofit a planet of 7.9 billion people to all renewable electric power and transportation in 9 years are out of their f#$%^&@g minds.


- 3 years ago  

& what do you think is going to happen if we continue down the same path as business as usual!!?


- 3 years ago  

Probably more business as usual. I love the smell of diesel exhaust in the morning.


- 3 years ago  

Hey retard TonyHeller666No_6..... NOTHING is going to happen! Because you believe that something will happen makes YOU a retard. Have you not been paying attention? This bullshit has been spewed for hundreds of years and yet YOU are still here. The world would be a much better place if you and your ilk would just cease to exist.


- 3 years ago  

Hundreds of years in hey!! 🤔... How many hundreds!!?... To me, it seems like you have learnt so much, & are a very good student, & an even a better Tony boy! 🤗


- 3 years ago  

What will happen? The same thing that has been happening for decades. People all over the world will be lifted out of poverty and welcomed into 1st world conditions. The same 1st world conditions that you’ve been lavishly enjoying your entire life. It’s a bit narcissistic to climb your imaginary ivory tower and preach your doom porn sermons of global collapse, advocating taking away the very same avenues of luxury from the less fortunate people in the world that you’ve ungratefully enjoyed since you were born, don’t you think? Compensating for something, shamebot666? Do you hate poor people or something? Or maybe you hate brown people? The policies you advocate will effectively plunge the poor back into poverty, just as they’re finally climbing out of it, due to the abundance of fossil fuels. You like to think of yourself as captain save a planet, as you continue to indulge in all the luxuries of a modern society enabled by fossil fuels, at the same time trying to rob the less fortunate of their opportunity to enjoy the same. This morality larping faggotry that you perform to help you compensate for your moral deficiencies is pretty transparent, and everyone here knows that you don’t give a shit about the poor or the planet. You’re just trying to peacock moral superiority to help you get through another day of crippling self loathing. You’re entire personality is just a facade, which is why you so readily adopted the ready made identity packages that the social engineers have fed you since you were just a wee sperg, playing with your poo because of your affinity for excrement.


- 3 years ago  

Does your captain save a planet costume have a cape? Is it that plastic one from China, or did your mommy get you the more expensive one from Bangladesh?


- 3 years ago  

“Mommy” being the nurse at your state sponsored institution for the abandoned and unwanted vaccine casualties.


- 3 years ago  

Where can I find transcripts of your podcasts?


- 3 years ago  

New-tube needs a block the idiot button.


- 3 years ago  

Nah, just delete them!!... Like Tony does 🤗


- 3 years ago  

Common 6 Meister, you are proud of being a party crasher, hence the No_1-6. I doubt that you are one person, possibly legion? Probably bot. If you are one person who is not a paid troll, you are persistent. That gets some respect. (Emojie here).


- 3 years ago  

6 that you know of!!. I know of 8! 🤗. & That's just on this platform!!!... I think Tony kinda like me too hey!! 😝


- 3 years ago  

You are proud that you have been asked to leave eight times? That is creepy. I invite you over to his BitChute channel, people aren't as polite over there.


- 3 years ago  

I’m glad the doom porn propaganda script regurgitator is here. It’s important for everyone to see what becomes of someone who lives a life of degeneracy and how that will cause the psyche to desperately grasp at propaganda narratives as if they are a life raft in a sea of nihilism. In theological terms, it’s the deal with the devil. DumpsterPumper666 made a deal with the devil. In this particular case, the devil is the social engineering globalists. When you have nothing but scandals and hedonistic indulgences to prop up your identity, the “captain save a planet” persona that was offered to our children their entire lives becomes the best deal available. Not only does this fake hero charade get you attention from all your fellow propagandized, Soros engineered shamebots, it is very cheap to gain. All you have to do is post on social media your “concern” for any of these media scripted narratives and the self affirming attention comes in abundance from all the other propagandized automatons. Little do they know that when they reach the age of mid 30’s when the need for meaning in life becomes paramount, their entire charade of attention seeking, narcissistic larping shenanigans crumbles and their psyche goes through the narcissistic ego collapse. I see the AnalRummager666 as a necessary character to show us all why you don’t seek meaning deep inside the anal caverns of complete strangers. Let’s celebrate the little faggot for his bravery in playing the role of the hedonist who lost his way in the burning halls of illusion. It’s great that we can juxtapose our experience with his complete failures, if for no other reason than for a reminder as to why you take the path of integrity instead of convenience.


- 3 years ago  

Rifletargets, he’s just a little goat fooker from India, trapped inside a windowless overcrowded office of incompetent paid trolls, getting 2 cents per troll post, financed by a shell corporation linked to the Soros Propaganda foundation. He tries his hardest to sound Australian with his “mate” bs, but Australians actually have a sense of humor. This sad excuse for a troll is completely devoid of a sense of humor and relies heavily on infantile emojies and poorly executed insults with atrocious English skills. Definitely a loser that goes home to his goats after a 12 hour day of larping online for pennies and if he’s lucky, his drunk uncle Larry stops by.


- 3 years ago  

I love carbon dioxide. We need more of it in the atmosphere as soon as possible, as it makes the plants grow much better.


- 3 years ago  

How much do you suggest we aim for!??. As we all know how well a greenhouse can work, in a perfect environment!!


- 3 years ago  

I say that we treat the CO2 limits like the national debt and keep raising it until the hockey stick collapse. The trick is to get the environmental hockey stick to align with the economic hockey stick. You are rooting for that , aren't you Mr.6?


- 3 years ago  

700-800 ppm would be snazzy. Retarded spergs, like yourself, your heads would explode, while the rest of us would bask in the luscious plant life, therefore ALL life and multiply to our hearts content. Without all you self hating doom porn hustlers, trying to convince everyone to crawl into your nihilistic cesspit, just because misery loves company. Maybe lay off the sodomy for at least a few weeks to heal from all that spiraling into degeneracy that you think is a righteous existence. If you can muster anal abstinence for at least month, your ready for phase two of your long haul to reconciliation of your soul. Phase two is when you stop killing your babies. You probably could skip phase two due to your testosterone being so low from all that soy, you won’t have the opportunity to cultivate a healthy attitude towards your own offspring.


- 3 years ago  

Ah the retard TonyHeller666No_6 speaks again. If he was not a retard he would realize that the earth IS a perfect environment. That is why there is life. What a fucking retard you are TonyHeller666No_6


- 3 years ago  

700-800ppm!!. Wow, that sounds good!!! 😊. Though I do wonder what it was like the last time humanity encountered those types of conditions!!?. As I can't seem to find any information about it hey!?? 🤔... Can anyone help me!!?


- 3 years ago  

StateJizReceptacle666, do you hate plants or something? We already know you hate humans due to your uninvestigated self loathing and want to exterminate them from the planet. Made obvious by your allegiance to the human depopulation agendas, but why do you hate plants so much that you want to reduce the CO2 levels down to the point of them dying? Do they remind you of the beauty and innocence in this reality, forcing you to acknowledge your own shameful existence? Why would anyone want to starve plants, unless they literally hate themselves?


- 3 years ago  

No, nobody can help the bloated propaganda guzzler climb out of his psychological disposition of self loathing. The social engineers got to you at such an early vulnerable age, right after your uncle Larry did that thing to you in the closet, that the propaganda narratives have become the centerpiece of your entire identity. Your “captain save a planet” identity is all you have to cling to for relevance. Only you can craft a new identity, one that actually has some legitimacy behind it, instead of an empty larper persona that it’s only purpose is to compensate for the deep seated feelings of unworthiness that comes from believing your entire existence is poison to your archetypal mother, the planet. Who taught you these self loathing narratives, tiny sperg? Your entire life was saturated with anti-life, anti-human shame based propaganda. Of course you want your daddy state to swoop in and punish you for your climate sins, especially considering your “god” is the state. Think about what you turn to for your need for reconciliation or redemption for your “sins”. While a religious person usually turns to their relationship with their own concept of “god” the doom porn clan turns to their version of “god”. Your daddy state. And you want your daddy state to punish the entire human race, for something that you feel guilty about. What are you so guilty about that you want your daddy state to submerge the entire planet into submission?


- 3 years ago  

Perfectly coherent and accurate. Some dare call it "truth". I contend that the small fluctuations in temperature are almost meaningless when compared to the planet's history. The cycle of warmer and cooler trends that Man has been able to quantify may affect growing seasons and locations a bit but overall there has been no significant long-term alterations in Man's existence for the past 10,000 years or so. We can notice that here in Arizona we were once underwater or that the Sahara was once covered in forests but Man was not around to see those conditions. And we never will be. The true tragedy is the cover-up, the lies perpetrated on people by so-called experts. Because a difference of 1.5 degree Celsius is simply nothing to get shook up about. Especially when it looks like we have returned to the average - "normal" - temperature over and over.


- 3 years ago  

@.54 seconds. The people that took us to the moon!!. You mean NASA!??. Like do they really agree with you!!?... 😂🤣😂🤣. Yeh right!!. People seriously need to listen & watch very very carefully on everything & anything that the Tony show's & say's!!. Mind manipulation games, we love them hey!... But does anyone truely know how to play them!!?... @1.08 George Orwell, he's an interesting caricature isn't he!. Well all I can say is, democratic socialism!!!. Something Tony is all for!!. Yes!!?. Well he's clearly a very big supporter of Orwell, obviously! 🤔... @1.26 You want to learn about stats, data & graphs do you!?? & A few many other things while you are at it!!?... ... So who the fuck is this Naomi Seibt anyway!??. The little devil that is sitting on Greta's shoulder!!?... Who's sitting on your shoulder???. Do you really believe all of that of Tony's graphs that he presents you!??... As for that other fuckwit that doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about!!! 🙄. He kinda reminds me of Tony hey!! 😝... I bet you & me, that the rest of this video is full of Tony's propaganda bullshit that has been set on repeat!!!. Yes, shit that has been debunked many times over & over again before!!. With only the little sheepies that are willing & that are into the believing, believing!!!... WOW, it's 100k, that now I see!! 😳... So yeh, If you tell a lie big enough & repeat it often enough, it becomes the truth!!. That's when all the little followers will come out to play & start to believe, & so will then, will start to follow you!!! 🤗... Isn't it a shame that Tony deep deep down, doesn't even believe what he says!!. Cause if he did!!!. What do you think he would do!!?. Or should do!?? 🤔... Hey BTW!!. I'm doing some very important scientific research of my own atm!!. So ok, so it's a pretty simple question! But please take the time to answer & help me out, for me, & the human race!! 😝, As it is very important hey!!... So. What's your age!!?... Anyway while I wait, I better start thinking about getting into the very thinking of & about the cherry picking season that will be coming up very shortly!!. Yes, the blossom are already out, & it seems to be going to be a very early season this year, for some reason!!! 🤔... Hey I really should say while I am here!. Happy Easter to all of Tony's hard core followers!!! 🥰... & Hey, don't worry about that basement!!. Jesus lives in a cave!! 👍 🙏


- 3 years ago  

Just follow the money, Al Gore and Greta Thunberg and they are just the puppets!


- 3 years ago  

You're such an idiot! What a sad life you must lead. Do you really think anyone is going to read that wall of nonsense?


- 3 years ago  

Exhibit A. This is what happens to you when you live a life of shameful behavior and adopt the state as your lord and savior. The proper response to this sodomites verbal vomiting is pity.


- 3 years ago  

Holy fuck, all that and you said nothing. That's a talent right there. But not one single fact or detail. You must be bored shitless.


- 3 years ago  

Holy fuck!!. Four intelligent humans with mindless brains, but not one single fact or detail... Though Roberts comments seems it could have some validity to it!!?... 🤔


- 3 years ago  

See Mr.6, I'm not the only one who is put off by your emojie laced word salads. Do you have ADHD? Is it hard for you to develop your ideas into the written word? It has to be tough to keep an idea intact when you rely on the auto word suggest from your I phone. Pro tip: try organizing your ideas with an antiquated piece of paper and a pencil. With these simple notes it will be easier for you to thumb type a message that does not have to be decoded by the reader. We have standards around here, even for the trolls. Have a nice day (insert emojie of choice here).


- 3 years ago  

No @rifletargets, TonyHeller666No_6 (previously 1-5) does not have hdhd. He is just a retard, period with maybe 2 sparks bouncing around in a empty scull. If people like him did not exist the world could well be paradise. Heavy sigh, yet we have to suffer fools, idiots, and retards


- 3 years ago  

What was one of your favourite hobbies as a kid!!?. Playing with guns!??... One of mine was throwing rocks into the hornets nests!! 🤗


- 3 years ago  

Was that the frightful day your uncle Larry took you into the broom closet and planted the seeds of shame that has caused you to spiral into a nihilistic, propaganda guzzling, self loathing devotee of your human extermination cult? Do you think there’s too many humans on the planet, shamebot666?


- 3 years ago  

@666: For want of arguments on your side, I was in search for one in your only reference, . However, after 3 minutes I knew this undertaking would be a loss of time, so I stopped and disliked. Why? The presentation is highly manipulative, but you can’t be sure that YouTube leaves your critical comments on display. I would have hinted at invalid comparisons regarding Climate Models and Satellite data. The former have uncertainty ranges, the latter have NOT. Small variations of satellite measurements are due to minor technical differences and temporary atmospheric changes, and their range is in no way comparable to uncertainty ranges with climate models. - The lecturer in that video doesn’t seem to know that.


- 3 years ago  

Another 5-star production.


- 3 years ago  

The dumbed down masses have no idea what's going on, and yet learned people like Heller try in vain to convince them of the malfeasance that is going on. As it has been said, winning a debate with an intelligent person is very, very difficult... with a stupid person, It's impossible.


- 3 years ago  

Your videos are really interesting, thank you


- 3 years ago  

Brilliant as usual! Tony makes the situation clear "beyond any reasonable doubts". The difficult point to clarify is the one of psykology! How can this cabal of politicians, media and psudo-scientist so efficient mislead the masses? Without an organised political police arresting disidents and sending them to a Gulag? Here the system is more subtile but still working efficiently! But what is the driving force behind, who is profiting? Where is the power hungry Stalin blinded by toxic ideology? Is it Karl Schwab?


- 3 years ago  

I don't think that Stalin was the only wrongdoer. Rather, he served as an attraction to blind the masses. "Fatherly Stalin", so to speak. A huge apparatus behind him to cultivate an idolatry. Moreover, I don't think that idolatry is the only means to implement a dictatorship.


- 3 years ago  

People are super easily mislead nowdays - if you don't understand how, then you aren't paying attention.


- 3 years ago  

I contend that the communist worldwide have learned from their mistakes. They are now taking a far more subtle approach than they did with a Soviet union, China, Cuba, and Venezuela. Now they are attacking through education, public policy, and through the so-called new morality of environmentalism. Please do not be deceived. The one world government leaders are still here and still trying to implement their agenda.