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Tony HellerPLUS



100% Fake Data (Corrected Version)

  - 3:04

"We will know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey CIA Director 1981






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April 12th 2022  

File Size: 23 MB

Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

Pretty alarming. Are all these computer generated temperatures and the thermometer data publicly accessible?

Anti Illuminati

- 2 years ago  

Oh, you mean people don't trust the same government that sold them into slavery to the Federal Reserve against their will or knowledge, in the form of Bank Bonds as Birth Certificates to bail out the U.S. Treasury in the 1930's, even though it is unconstitutional for any foreign entity to print money for the U.S. (That is, until it became a Corporation). The same government that faked a lunar landing in Area 51 to beat Spudnik and Russia in the space race. The same government that contracted an attack on American soil so they could steal millions and millions of dollars worth of Gold Bullion, and at the same time, Unconstitutionality create laws to violate American citizens rights to privacy, The Unpatriot Act. The same government that failed to prosecute Prescott Bush for trading with the Nazis while we were at war with them. Failed to prosecute George W. Bush for lieing to the American people about Weapons of Mass Destruction. Bin Ladens.. Contras in the Cold War against Russia, trained and funded by the C.I.A. [Oil Wars] The same government that let a gay man and his tranny lover, who was born in Africa, become the President of the U.S. The same government that is in bed with the Global Bankers, aka. Rothschilds, etc... That installed a mentally incapable man to run a country as a Trojan Horse, after rigging elections. (81 million votes - Yeah, Right). The same government that lets massive corporations push it around and abuse it's citizens - Google, Facebook, etc). The same government that let massive corporations monopolize their industries leaving the consumer fewer and fewer places to shop, essentially ghost towning towns and cities all across the country, (Walmart, Amazon). The same government that locked people away from each other and forced businesses to close all across the nation, while fast food chains stayed open and successful. The same government that gives billions and billions of our tax dollars away to countries that chant, 'Death to America'. Yeah.. I'll pass. I trust No One!

Believe it

- 2 years ago  

Our world is run on opinion polls and computer modeling. Do you think they are seeding the clouds, to make it colder and prevent crops from growing?

Truth Sleuth

- 2 years ago  

Similar false data and shady science tells us that the covid vaccines are safe and effective. The same political hacks tell us that we can have sex with five-year olds and it's ok. The same education system tells us that children are capable of directing their own sexual orientation and changing their sex. It's all so visible to those of us awakened, but somehow just not reaching the consciousness of the sleepers. It's been planned for a century, and now it's upon us in full force.


- 2 years ago  

Authority and their experts are aware of the need to fabricate data to instill trust in a failed hypothesis. The impunity of the government, it's bureaucracy and it's enforcement branches exists only because of a flawed concept transferred from the divine right to rule. The government assumed this immunity without a constitutional provision via legislation, court rulings and 'historic precedent'. Yet, the constitution declares all rights are inalienable and belong to the individual, and government can only intrude on those rights with the full knowledge and informed consent of the populous. The government borrows on our rights only on a clearly defined and determined limited means, that can be demonstrated to benefit the population without harming any individual. But if it harms anyone thru coercion, neglect, or misadventure, those who invented the policy, or enacted it's dictates require as much accountability as any individual, group, corporation, or mob. Lies are a form of manipulation, of coercion. Lies are meant to seduce, or distort our reason by inserting false or erroneous perceptions.


- 2 years ago  

It is still almost incomprehensible how far astray from the Constitution of the United States of America that the corrupt federal government presently in power has strayed.


- 2 years ago  

This is so frustrating. How do we get this in front of everyone once and for all? If there is no warming, and worse yet there is data falsification, the whole narrative should come crashing down. But like everything else truth seems to be in short supply.


- 2 years ago  

It isn't just climate data. It's nearly all information, about everything. On a deeper metaphysical level, it may be about the very nature of reality and how there are forces in play that have hidden it from us, and used things like religions to trick people. Science is just how we have figured out to measure the physical reality, but what if the rules can change, along with our reality and even our memories of those rules?


- 2 years ago  

Church of the Climate Crisis disciples will defend these manipulations of past data saying, "Instruments weren't accurate enough then, so adjustments are necessary", which is patently wrong. And why are the necessary "adjustments" always DOWN, making the past look cooler, and never up? Apparently the faulty equipment only gave higher than actual readings. How convenient.


- 2 years ago  

We’ve known how to measure temperature accurately for a couple of centuries now. There nothing wrong with the last century of data.


- 2 years ago  

Einstein said something about genius having limits but stupidity seeming to have no limits. That's true of deception as well. The truth must reflect reality while there are no boundaries with lies.


- 2 years ago  

It is pretty sad that our govt. and all of it's agents, are no better than a "Dog and Pony show" but that is just what it has become... No matter if it is on the world stage or here at home, it is one big damn embarrassment. And ALL of the info. they feed us are lies...


- 2 years ago  

That's all I expect from our Gov't


- 2 years ago  

Toto barking for fourteen years? That's one little old dog right there. 😊


- 2 years ago  

Thank god for Tony


- 2 years ago  

Tony, please tells us how the government justifies using the computer model generated data!


- 2 years ago  

Silence! It's correct, and if you don't agree you are a CONSPIRACY THEORIST.