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Tony HellerPLUS



Actions Speak Louder Than Words

  - 1:54

Late night Orwellian world news.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 4th 2021  

File Size: 16 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

70% of NYC black Americans have wisely not taken these experimental injections and something like 59% of Hispanic/Latino NYC Americans have not done so too. Good luck you commie DeBlowsio in trying to deny these large numbers of NYC residents from participating in NYC bars, clubs, restaurants, gyms and events.. Funny in how this case minorities may actually be an ally of liberty and freedom.


- 3 years ago  

To pushback against this nonsense does not even require a majority of employees or businesses. If say 20-25% of employees refuse to take an experimental jab one with no real safety record, the employers will not likely be able to fire all of them, especially if enough have pertinent skills. The 75-80% still working will have to pick up the slack and that likely won't last for long. Adding the labour shortage because too many want to stay home and keep getting the government handouts due to covid19 only makes it harder to fire intelligent staff who want nothing of these injections, which btw are not even working. Also businesses have took it on the cheek over the last 18 months, to piss off employees and piss off customers who refuse these growingly useless but dangerous jabs is more stupid. My Covid 19 passport is either my credit card, debit card or good ole cash. You want my money you will let me do business with you or you can 🖕😡 and die.


- 3 years ago  

Democrats. Because even evil stupid people need a political party...


- 3 years ago  

Fight this medical tyranny wherever you find it and seize every opportunity to dispel the litany of lies and fear mongering. We, the people, do not stand under those we elected to serve us. The criminals temporarily in power will ALL be tried and punished appropriately. This creeping totalitarianism will not stand.


- 3 years ago  

If you take any advice from people who think gender is a choice, abortion is "healthy", homosexual "coupling" is the same as a marriage, Trump was a Russian agent, Biden is a good president and won in a landslide, well, what can I say? You're too stupid to live. On banned. videos Jones has been pouring out information. Dr. Vernon Coleman has a great website.


- 3 years ago  

No viruses exist ... 100 % mind control operation Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Stefan Lanka


- 3 years ago  

It's all about money and power. Big Pharma makes a lot of money, and all those authoritarian government types in the world, use the chance to gain more control over everything. Unfortunately those types are usually what the "market of lemons" brings forth, which is why they're nothing more than ideologues and actors, who say in public what they're supposed to say, and probably don't even realize how dumb they sound.


- 3 years ago  

These are totalitarians. They will not be happy until they control every aspect of our life, and force us to believe all their lies about gender, race, COVID, climate change, and whatever else comes into their lunatic minds.


- 3 years ago  

Yeah, l know Tony, these sicko's are treating the unvacced, (poisoned) like lepers, and creating such an ugly life for them that they will beg for the shit. And the vacced, are strutting about like they are free, and elite, downing the unjabbed, and MSM are saying that the unjabbed are insane. If not taking something that kills 100% of all animals tested with RNA vaccines for the last 19 years, is insane then l will accept the label. Just wait til, independent media outlets now forming, (one political party here is doing that with a major push into tv, radio and newspapers) so we will actually get real discussions, and real experts instead of some, blue glasses, weird hair, dimwit, saying äll hail the mighty jab", then there will be a shitstorm the world has never seen, or 4 billion going after these same so called experts.


- 3 years ago  

if you take the genetic weapon you will be dead with in 5 years. Probably sooner.


- 3 years ago  

The real fear of the afraid will be when they start dying from the vax jab. Personally I think it is taking to long and needs to start sooner than later. But, I digress, it is not designed that way just like the man made fouci/china virus.