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#LawEnforcementTranscript First #Timeline #NewTownScriptSandy Wolfgang Halbig Questions on Evidence

  - 1:35:26

Wolfgang Halbig My Coach, Called By SandyHook officials, this is part of what he found. Our shop is open nightvision and other treats. BitCoin LifeStyles Club learn crypto safety and uses. “Cashless” society is put together with crypto without spending your funds. You will see how fully integrated it already is and how it’s being used worldwide. You soon will have no choice. Revelation 13:17 “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Not everyone in our Truth Network has 100% all The Truth of The Creator. NOT POSSIBLE. What is possible is we are all on the same road, just on a different spot of it. Some have been where others have not in research, and visa versa. Keep an open mind, pray before your research and be willing to receive what The Creator has for you. If you have a problem with anyone of my friends, family, or colleagues listed here using symbols to illustrate a point as "zionist" "christian" "muslim" "jew" "illuminati" keep going because some of us are awakened only to a point and does NOT negate The Creator working through and with them to share The Truth with others. Also keep in mind. The enemy uses DIVIDE and CONQUER so effectively it still continues within The Truth Community. Every country has the same problem. THE ADVERSARY, SATAN, EVIL, DARKNESS whatever you choose to term it. They have Elite in control of their puppets and their people are slaves like us. I have traveled the world as Abba has had me to do to piece together the information given me in my NDE (near death experience). In those places they have the same problems and concerns we do. They DO NOT want war, they love us, they do NOT believe their governments and they are also segregated enslaved.






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December 30th 2020  

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