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Scholar: The 2020 psyop of the BIS & IMF Central Banks Digital Currencies THE NEXT PART OF THEIR PLANS

  - 1:12

Prof. Richard Werner invented Quantitive Easing for Japan in 1994. He's the foremost scholar on central banking. Here's what he said recently about Central Bank Digital Currencies. Total annihilation of all flesh has been their objective, the fall of Babylon has been Ours! The US Dollar has been crashing and insiders have been reporting that the Central Bankers have been shifting you to a digital currency system as the only means of trying to regain some power or authority as the fallen angels have been being removed from the universe to the sea of eternal hellfire! I have been warning you in Scripture, elsewhere through scholars and insiders, and here! The harvest taking place is the conclusion of this universe. Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! You are far behind if you have shamelessly turned your faces away from Our Lord Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene bowing your knee to Satan that ancient serpent the red dragon and his demons and SORCERY! If you are not performing the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Allaha praying the Lord's Prayer @ The Testament of Matthew or Luke before all things in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene, you are already shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven!






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September 22nd 2022  

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