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April 8th 2022  

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- 2 years ago In France, the case of a wealthy elderly Parisian businessman who insured his life for many millions and died from COVID-vaccination caused a great resonance. The insurance company refused to pay money to the relatives of the deceased, and the court found the company to be right. At the same time, the insurance company argued its refusal precisely by the fact that death occurred as a result of the vaccination: taking experimental drugs and treatments (including vaccination against coronavirus) is excluded from the policy. The judge’s verdict is as follows: β€œThe side effects of an experimental vaccine are being made public, and the deceased could not have professed ignorance when voluntarily taking the vaccine. There is no law or regulation in France requiring him to be vaccinated. Therefore, his death is, in fact, a suicide. The Court recognizes the qualification of an insurer who legally regards participation in the third phase experiment, the lack of evidence of which has not been proven, as the voluntary assumption of a fatal risk not covered by the contract, taking into account the declared side effects, including death is covered and legally recognized as suicide. The family filed an appeal. However, the insurer’s defense is recognized as reasonable and contractually justified, since this well-known risk of death is legally considered suicide, the client was notified and agreed to voluntarily risk his life without being forced to do so. The insurance company noted that suicide, like death from an experimental drug, is not an insured event. The lawyer for the family of Carlo Alberto Brusa published the case materials on social networks and expressed his outrage at such a decision. It appears that insurers will now stop paying out life insurance policies on a large scale, as the death risk from vaccination effectively blocks their contract, rendering it void. After the publication of similar cases in France, something similar was heard from the United States. Paul Graham, Senior Vice President for Policy Development at the American Life Insurers Council, says: β€œLife insurance companies may refuse to pay out for vaccinated people because Covid vaccines are β€œmedical experiments. When deciding on the payment of damages, it is taken into account whether the insured has received a COVID vaccine. Life insurance contracts are very clear on how policies work and what reasons, if any, can lead to a denial of payment. The COVID-19 vaccine is not one of them. An assessment of an applicant’s insurance capacity is not affected by an individual’s immunization status.” The publication notes that, upon request, domestic insurance companies promise not to make benefits dependent on the appropriate vaccination status, both for those who have been vaccinated and for those who have not been vaccinated. But everyone knows that vaccination campaigners are calling for the unvaccinated to be penalized in terms of costs if they stay in the hospital. The information from France in the article refers to the referenced sources and to information provided by Nicole Delepin, former Head of Pediatric Oncology Medicine at Assistance Publique-HΓ΄pitaux de Paris, on the Riposte LaΓ―que website.


- 2 years ago CLAIMS that your policy is not affected by your current vaccination status; however, you should anticipate that case law as referenced above will supercede that claim to "be on your side." WAR AGAINST ALL FLESH REVEALED AGAIN! From the article above: "It appears that insurers will now stop paying out life insurance policies on a large scale, as the death risk from vaccination effectively blocks their contract, rendering it void. After the publication of similar cases in France, something similar was heard from the United States. Paul Graham, Senior Vice President for Policy Development at the American Life Insurers Council, says: β€œLife insurance companies may refuse to pay out for vaccinated people because Covid vaccines are β€œmedical experiments."