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3yrs ago Suicide Gilroy California Garlic Festival Shooting 8-12-19

  - 1:44:42

3yrs ago Suicide Gilroy California Garlic Festival Shooting 8-12-19 Lying Jews aka SERPENTS aka the synagogue of Satan that ancient SERPENT. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 How do you know when they are lying? Their stiff upper snake lip won't tell you; it's predominantly bottom jaw flapping applauding their father Satan that ancient SERPENT Donald Trump aka Ron Maysack aka Joe Biden and her son Qain Hillary the Devil Hillary Clinton the workers of abomination, hellbound demonic carnivorous creatures from below that pretend to have authority over mankind by way of enactment of ancient Babylonian death cult rituals and satanic human sacrifice rituals - the man of sin 666. The other fallen angels detailed in The Book of Breetah meaning Creation at Chapter Six verse four are called nephilim. Nephilim simply means the fallen walking dead. Their triangular shoulders give them away. The Book of Breetah is on My NewTube channel and is a very important Book for you to know because it is WHO YOU ARE, not a religious Book. I am here generously giving Glory to Allaha and calling all sinners to repentance. I am the only one Who can resurrect you from your certain fate of eternal hellfire. It was prophesied that I would come now with the evangelizing gospel and the REAL Covenant of Life all throughout Scripture; but there's a catch: you have to want it bad enough to ACHIEVE IT. Contrary to what you were misled to believe by the prosperity gospel sold to you hook, line, and sinker by the evil one and his angels, salvation is a personal choice and it requires hard work! Do not let yourself end in eternal torment in the sea of eternal hellfire dying the final death the recurring death just because they told you it would be alright to sin. You must take charge of your own life now or you will lose it forever. I come bringing peace, real peace. Not how they offer you peace while working against you in the shadows of darkness pretending to be your friends bringing peace while killing you.






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August 13th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

Thankyou Sarrah