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... ALREADY did! How do you rob the swordsman? First you tie him up, then you ransack his house.

Which swordsman? Satan that ancient serpent. Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene and I have been ransacking the house of Satan that ancient serpent, the red dragon! You must get busy! Why does gun control matter to them now? We told you, as recorded in Scripture: See Scripture below! + they can be shot and killed now. SEE BELOW in the comments, Second Thessalonians 2 My Testimony confirms that Babylon is falling and YOU are OUT OF TIME to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! The ungodly are being removed from the earth forever! - One Enoch. The harvest of the children of the evil one is now and the conclusion of this universe. - The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13 the evangelizing gospel. Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene returns to this world in His flesh at the fall of Babylon, which is any time now. The Angel Gabriel has already announced His Coming! You risk being shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven if you are not in active daily repentance in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene. Work for Allaha (Me the Allaha of Heaven) and give him glory. (You may have been condemned in the Judgment of the world, this is your chance to earn forgiveness of your sins by voiding them properly through active daily repentance in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene and performing the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Allaha.) Worship the one Who created heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. You cannot serve two masters. Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. You must be rapture ready. You will not be continuously warned by Me. My Testimony is intended for your satisfaction so that you may go forward to being holy and righteous in all of your ways. HURRY UP! YOU ARE NOT READY IF YOU ARE IN DARKNESS! BABYLON IS FALLING! BABYLON IS FALLING! Remember Sodom and Gomorrah WERE NOT SPARED FOR THEIR WICKEDNESS!






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

June 22nd 2022  



- 2 years ago  

2 Thessalonians 2 from the evangelizing gospel at 1. We beg you, brethren, regarding the coming of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene and His gathering us to Him, 2. That you may not be shaken in your convictions, and not be disturbed in your minds, neither through manifestation, nor spirit, nor by a letter as though from us, that, behold, the Day of our Maryah is never going to come. 3. Let no human being mislead you with one of these schemes, because the desolation has to come first, when the man of sin is revealed by the son of perdition, 4. He who will become the opposition and the pretender against everyone who is called by Allaha and by the Power, whereas he will even sit in the temple of Allaha as Allaha and show himself like he were Allaha. 5. Do you not remember when I was with you, that I told you these things? 6. And now you know who is the one who will be revealed in his season. 7. The sermon of abomination henceforth shall be set upon, but only if the one who is in control is taken out of the balance. 8. And then the worker of abomination will be revealed who betrayed Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene by the spirit of his mouth and who will be nullified upon his coming. 9. For his coming is through the enslavement of Satan, in all power, signs and wonders of falsehood, 10. And through all the desolating abomination performed by the enslaved, as a result of their not accepting the wholesome love by which they would live the everlasting life. 11. Because of that Allaha will send them the slavery of desolation, as they shall commit themselves to bondage,* 12. And they shall all be judged, those who do not believe in the earnest truth, except be satisfied by the abominable. 13. We are, however, responsible for confessing on your behalf to Allaha in every season, my dear brethren in our Maryah, whom Allaha has chosen from the beginning for everlasting life, through the holiness of spirit and the faith in truth. 14. For Allaha has called you to the purpose through our preaching of the Hope [in the Kingdom,] to be the glory of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene and Father Allaha. 15. Therefore, brethren, stand firm in the commandments that you have learned and uphold them, whether by manifestation or through our Letter. 16. Then He, Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah and Father Allaha, He who loves us and uplifts our hearts to the end of the universe, and who granted us the good Hope through His grace, 17. He shall make your hearts a well of prophecy and he shall support you in every word and in every good deed. *Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene and Father Allaha is Us, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - Creator of heaven and earth and the sea and the water springs!


- 2 years ago  

From the evangelizing gospel at The Letter of Jude 1. Jude, the servant of Eashoa M'Sheekhah, the brother then of James, to the Called nations, through the mercy of Allaha the Father, under Eashoa M'Sheekhah's protection -- 2. May Mercy and Peace be augmented in you through Love. 3. My beloved, I am doing my utmost to write to you regarding our inner Life, it is important to write to you as I commend you in the struggle on behalf of our Faith, which was in its season delivered to the saints. 4. For there entered men into the fold -- from the beginning this encroachment was written about in Scriptures -- depraved men, who turned the grace of Allaha into evil, so as to blaspheme the One who is alone the Lord Allaha: our Lord Eashoa M'Sheekhah. 5. It is to remind you that I wish to bring it to your attention, then, you all know that Allaha in one season saved the nation from Egypt, but in the second season He destroyed those who did not believe. 6. And the angels who did not guard their head, except left their abode, He keeps under guard in the netherworld,* in the dark abyss until the great Day of Judgment. 7. Thus also Sodom and Gomorrah, and the towns around them, where they, in like manner, fornicated and went after other flesh, are consecrated under the same universal fire, as they deserve the Judgment. 8. Similarly also those who lust in their dreams for the defilement of the flesh, reject the Lordship and blaspheme the Glory. 9. Michael, then, the head of the angels, who as he spoke to the devil, argued on behalf of the body of Moses, that the devil dare not hold down his body under condemnation of blasphemy, except Michael told him, "The Lord shall rebuke you!"* 10. Those, then, that blaspheme against what they know not, who treat the natural phenomena like dumb creatures, are then destroyed by that [same fire.] 11. Woe to them that followed the path of Caine, and those that followed the deception of Balaam by accepting the recompense of the reluctant laborer, and those that went to oblivion by following the stubbornness of Korah. 12. These are the ones who rage and rave during their feasts, who submit their souls to no one, they are like the rainless clouds blown by the spirits, like trees that blossom but bear no fruit, that die twice and are pulled by their roots. 13. Like the turbulent waves of the sea, that reveal their shame as they foam, they are the misleading stars, those that are kept under guard in the darkness of the netherworld. 14. However, there prophesied also against them Enoch, who was of the seventh generation from Adam, as he said, "Behold, there will come the Lord with the multitude of saints. 15. “To judge everyone and rebuke all the depraved for every outrageous act that they performed, and for all the foul words that they spoke, depraved sinners that they are! 16. These are those who complain and spite whoever they please, and go around according to their own pleasures, and utter scandalous words with their mouths, and glorify certain personalities for the sake of financial reward. 17. You, however, my beloved, remember the words that were spoken by the apostles of our Lord Eashoa M'Sheekhah, 18. Who told you that in the last season there will be those who will laugh and follow their pleasures of depravity. 19. Those that choose the selfish you behavior, the Spirit is not in them. 20. You, however, my beloved, through your holy faith become children of the Holy Spirit anew, as you pray on your knees. 21. Let us guard our souls by the love of Allaha, then, as we await* the marriage feast* of our Lord Eashoa M'Sheekhah, to live with Him eternally.* 22. And pluck certain [souls] out of the fire, 23. As they would surely die; have mercy on them, then, through submission, as you abhor even the tunic that is besmirched by the flesh. 24. To Him, then, who is able to guard you from depravity and molestation and resurrect you without malediction, 25. The only Allaha our Savior, through our Lord Eashoa M'Sheekhah, who assumed His glory with joy -- [to Him, then,] be glory, supremacy, honor and greatness, now and for all eternity,* amen, let us pray. Footnotes: *6 Lit. Ar. id.: "Unknown prisons." " -- *9 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Michael then he head of the angels, he that with the devil while he spoke judged he, because of the body of Moses, does not dare he to bring down over him the judgment of blasphemy, except he commanded that rebukes you the Lord." -- *21.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Hold on to." -- *21.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Betrothal." -- *21.3 Lit. Ar. id.: "To the end of the universes." -- *25 Lit. Ar. id.: "To the end of all the universes."


- 2 years ago  

Thankyou Sarah❤


- 2 years ago  

You're welcome, David :)