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MORE than "The Kill Shot"! The sentient world simulation! DOCTOR: HEART FAILURE FROM INJECTIONS "WILL KILL MOST PEOPLE". Dr Charles Hoffe, in his last update of July 6, 2021, reports worrying results in his patients. He claims that mRNA vaccines clog thousands of tiny capillaries in the blood of those who have taken the "vaccine." Most will die within a few years of heart failure. The injected spike proteins, which are designed to be mass-produced in the bodies of those vaccinated, cause clotting, which adversely affects as many as 60% of those injected. Dr Hoffe, who practices medicine at Lytton BC Canada, explains: "We now know that only 25% of the 'vaccine' injected into the arm of a person actually stays in the arm. The remaining 75% is collected by the lymphatic system and literally injected into the bloodstream, so these little packets of messenger RNA, and by the way, a single dose of Moderna "vaccine" contains literally 40 trillion molecules of d 'MRNA. These packets are designed to be absorbed by your cells. But the only place they can be absorbed is around your blood vessels, and the place where they are absorbed is the capillary network - the smallest blood vessels where blood flow slows down and genes are released. Your body then begins to read and manufacture trillions and trillions of these advanced proteins. Each gene can produce very many spike proteins. The body then recognizes that it is works by foreign bodies and makes antibodies against these proteins, which protects you from COVID. That's the idea. "To listen to Dr Hoffe's video it's here But that's where the problem arises. In a coronavirus, this spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule. In others terms, it's part of the cell wall that surrounds the virus. But it's not in a virus. It's in your cells. So it's part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. DEW Vaporized this legit truthers' town, Dr. Hoffe Lytton BC






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August 28th 2022  

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1 Comment


- 2 years ago  

I read a paper where the Tech's of the Wuhan Laboratory back in 2003 were investigating the Bat Coronavirus from the Caves outside the city of Wuhan. They took blood samples from the many Farmers that were out there and found Coronaviruses in their blood but didn't do any harm to them ? Do you see the word: "Adaptability" ? They were not sure if it caused the first epidemic SARS CoV1 but it was interesting to see coronaviruses didn't hurt the cells of the Farmers ? The CCP went for a Patent on this information and for future experimentation by 2007. We then later find out from Prof. Ralph Baric bragging about inserting a Spike Protein onto a coronavirus so you couldn't tell if it was natural or not. We then find out that Shi Zhenglie was bragging about how a spike protein on a coronavirus could be very deadly using Bat Coronaviruses. CAN YOU SEE NOW THAT THE DEADLY INGREDIENT IS THE SPIKE PROTEIN ? And yet, the mRNA shot is telling your body to make Spike Proteins ? I need another word for "Kill Shot", it's not exactly quite fitting ?