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"You come from your father (Hillary) the Devil🀘😈 LITERALLY spawned by Satan that ancient SERPENT 🐍 Trump/Biden aka the Betrayer of Eashoa M'Sheekha

  - 22:50

The man of sin was REVEALED by the son of perdition on CNN Live TV May 2016 and you missed this end times event because that's what We allowed to happen and for a good reason πŸ˜‰YOU MUST ACT NOW because this is the conclusion of this universe here and there are many universes yet to come! FIRST order is to repent, then perform the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Allaha Creator of heaven and the earth and the seas and the water springs. You cannot serve two masters. Judgement HOUR already concluded and those who do not produce fruit WILL be cut down and thrown into the fire. Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. If a human being takes captives by captivity he is taken. 'Jews Master Race Training With Proud Rabbis - The Synagogue of Satan that ancient SERPENT πŸβš• of John 8:44 and Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 The fake Jews. ALL modern Jewry are fake Jews and the killers of mankind from the beginning who have been CONDEMNED in the Judgement of the world as the killers of mankind by Moses who has risen in the Judgement of the world! See his righteous works and good deeds exposing them on this channel here!






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