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$500 Trillion Lawsuit against FEDERAL GOVT-140 MONOPOLISTS via our Constitutional Convention & Court

  - 17:03

Published On Aug 3, 2021 Friends of the Original Constitution's video exposing the FEDERAL GOVT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People's $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us; to re-found our government and base it on the Constitution. Now & Forever! https://friendsoftheoriginalconstitut...






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August 14th 2021  

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Category: Politics


Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

Pissed Off Poetry! - Lights. Camera. Silence on the set. Take Six Hundred and Sixty- Six. The people want Idols! The people want action! The people want violence, let's give them their fix. Look at the names for the cast in this show. Seeking their fame in the neon lit glow. Birds of a feather, Integrated personalities. All on a tether. The Master they please. These Deogies are riddled with fleas. Fall to your knees, to the 33rd degree. From Hollywood G's, to The King of Sleaze. They're actors that practice Demonology. There isn't much difference between Slayer and Biden. They just wear expensive suits to make it easier to hide in. Forty-Eight years later, and with nothing to show. In Forty years Death Metal has taken it's toll. It's all part of this downward spiral, They're all pawns on the same team. It was the start of this hatred gone viral. The nightmare in this American dream. These puppets for Lucifer, behind plastic smiles. Using excuses for their words covered in bile. That's what this ruse is for, Or they'd all be on trial. They can't wash off the sore, bathing in denial. I'm calling you out. I'm dropping some names. You pushers of doubt. You'll go up in flames. It's time to route out these Criminally insane. I think a lot of our leaders are flat in the brain. Rockefeller, Rothschild, DuPont and Hearst. Nixon on trial, Woodrow Wilson was the worst. The Bushes, The Clintons, The Obamas... All snakes. Liars, and drug dealers. They'll do whatever it takes. Ansliger, Mellon, even Prescott Bush was on the take. Trading steel with Nazis'... So much money in war to make. From Soros, to Sanders, it's the Manifesto all over again. Down with the People's Republic of China. The Dragon is their friend. Socialism is total government control. You can enslave my body, but you can't have my soul. World domination is their one and only goal. Freedom is an illusion. Now go fill the hole. Capitalism is covetousness, Breaking two of the Ten Commands. Catholics read that 'Thou Shalt Not Kill', while the blood drips from their hands. Bring your daughters to the slaughter, but don't touch my little girl. When your god is hot and bothered, you can kill them for the thrill. Albert Pike and Crowley, taught that mysticism is the way. So go and read your horoscope, and throw your soul away. Islam's wrong 'cause God does not reward with virgin sex. All these cults like Heaven's Gate, a thousand people will line up next. To preach something that your evil minds will never understand. Shame on you. Shame on Satan. Shame on the Government and Shame on Man. Speaking of government, let's split the word up, to bring on some clarity. 'Ment' is of 'Mental' and 'govern' is control. I won't let them 'Tread On Me'. Thomas Jefferson said in 1816: “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Oh how the masses have been dumbed down. Gave up their God for a Gold Plated Cow. The men look like women, and they're all Goyim now. Tune into 'Drag Racing', The queen takes a bow. What was once immoral and wrong, Is the new philosophy for this age. Adam Weishaupt was right all along. The Illuminati loves birds... 'They all belong in a cage'. Written by: Michael Taylor August 3rd. 2021 ©

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

The Illuminati is TOOO big! They have infiltrated all aspects of human life and have people strategicly placed in every faucet of power. Trump thought he could stop them. We see how that went. I love the idea, but it's not a reality. People are too decided and willing to kill each other over stupid words said. The only way this world could take on the world powers, is to 1st, pull their heads out of all their asses. 2nd. Stand Together worldwide through petitions and other 'legal' documents... Not rioting and looting... SMH. I just don't see it happening, but I'm on board. I've been studying this stuff for decades. 100 years of corruption and Tyranny.