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My Americana



$600 Is Significant

  - 3:06

Published on Dec 21, 2020






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

December 21st 2020  

File Size: 20 MB

Category: Comedy



- 3 years ago  

Nothing like Pelosie padding her daughter's job with $40M to the NOT open Kenedy Center.. How BOUT them good hearted American legislator giving $25M to Pikistan to study gender issues++ or Venezula $12M or Eygpt $70 that they can spend on Russian war planes? Nice screwing to AMERICAN taxpayers for Xmas.

Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

That is precious.. Well done. That made my day brighter for sure. Now that I got my giggles. I would rather have the over 3 billion they gave to Bill Gates. I guess that is his reward for helping to create the fake pandemic and pushing the deadly vaccine. Nothing like being rewarded so you can kill or maim people. I am sure he is behind the so called mutated covid as well he did say they will really notice when the second one comes. With that massive smile that sicko, always has. He should be in jail, not rewarded. What is wrong with that picture? Now wonder Billy boy loves the Dems. Anyone who gives that garbage money needs to be removed. Maybe send them to live on Pluto. Way far away from the rest of us. I would love to send them to another galaxy. Do we have the tech to do that one yet?

Small Potato Helper

- 3 years ago  

she is the worst in history.

Small Potato Helper

- 3 years ago  

Once my workplace says take the vaxx or you'r fired is when I pull my phone out and record first I say I will not take the vaxx. Then I will say look what my workplace is doing. Then I will put my video on newtube. Other people should do as I do. Don't let workplaces make you take the vaxx. Make sure your phone has a lot of free memory space. If your workplace tries to get you to take the vaxx, pull your cell phone out record then upload it to newtube.

My Americana

- 3 years ago  

How do I add my personal videos I can't figure out how to do it?