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Johnny and Joe time



Secrets of Wealth not Crapppptocurrency

Money is a bad investment When government prints more money than goods the goods increase in value ie the money decreases in value. purchasers reduce the supply of goods and the goods increase in value ie the money decreases in value. These two factors have been true since money was invented. When the USA markets were created 100 years ago the 500 best companies was given an indexed value of 0.5 Today, the ndex value is 3500, a 7000 times increase. Or looking at it the other way the US dollar is worth 1 / 7000th of what it used to be. Money is a bad investment. Houses were 1000 dollars now they are 1000 times more. Oranges were a penny, now they are as much as a dollar. Looking at the charts, you can guarantee that past performance pretty much predicts the future performance. Investments are long term and will yield great rewards for those patient and those that ignore emotional blips of the curve. I have mentioned Food, Realestate and Stock marlets. The best nvestment is obviously the stock marlets. Key to nvesting is buy the best of the best, buy an index of the best of the best, managed and owned by the best. There are now leveraged index funds yielding 3 times the movement of the market. If this was around 100 years ago, it would have yielded 20000 times your original investment. Not too bad (quoting Novak Djokovic)






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October 24th 2020  

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