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Johnny and Joe time



Alex Jones is now Main Stream because he does not surf the Edges of Conspiracy…He is locked down Alex no longer explores any theories in Search of deeper and greater hidden truths. He now is locked down in almost main stream beliefs that most have woken up to. But he does not know everything and without surfing the edges and the Outer Limits he no longer can achieve a full understanding and the true objectives of the Universe we live in. Without the greater truths, we can never win the fight and the freedom. This chap is banned from travel anywhere and is called a level three terrorist since being invited to speak at a Peace rally to 100 peace nicks. The only thing different about him and alternative media is that he knows that no Covid-19 ever existed and there are demonic people in the world. The Entities seem upset with this “Cook”. Most people ignore Cooks that say Cooky things to a few other Cooky people. Instead they are Shooting him down for being directly over the Target. Is Bill Gates the end of the story. Is Covid-19 just in a simulation computer and a tool of fear. Do demons really exist. Who runs the military since they seem to be fingered by all the globalists and their contracts. Do your own research because nobody else does research. Icke has studied demons for 33 years and there is evidence. To beat someone you must love them. Invisible ENTITIES live amongst us and control us physically when you by accident put a foot outside the matrix and stumble upon knowledge THEY don’t want you to know. Try saying something that is impossible for you to know and you will be choked right on your Adams Apple and all that comes out is a cough. They are very serious about the limits we live in. You never hear of a genius mystical psychic person winning the lottery 5 times. Nobody can ever prove they can read minds and thoughts and telepathy. Nobody can ever prove any real magic.






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March 14th 2023  

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