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Johnny and Joe time



Alex says Fear Porn the Virus and Run for the Hills

All day every day Jones tells you that the Virus is everywhere, it is in the food, in the Lettuce, in the Greens, in the air, sprayed by evil ones, in the shots, in the labs. He says we must have escape plans to the hills. He says there is nothing that can be done but talk about it. It’s an information war and we lost, so let’s keep doing the same thing and hope for a different result. Alex, deaths from Flus overall since the “Pandemic” are very low, nobody should fear anything more than they ever did before, wake up you Schweine Gluck. Don’t get Jabbed, don’t Habitat with Jabbed, but don’t fear anything. Emergency Logic I have shown blood before and after Vax, basically destroys your blood. This is not covered by Jones, Tucker, Veritas, Rogan, Watson, RT, SP, Rebel. Guess what team they are controlled by. Not one of them ever says to arrest anyone in government that breaks the Nuremberg code, why is that. They are Controlled opposition. They all say just talk about the stuff. It takes one Checkmate security team around a world leader to recite the code, each member decides if the leader broke the code, if unanimous by a 12 member security team, the team then executes the leader, with video. If the team protecting the Leader does not hold the trial, the team below judges the team protecting the leader and they arrest that team, and so on and so forth. Call To Action Never Again Means Never Again






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

September 22nd 2021  

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