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Johnny and Joe time



HITLERs Final Solution and the Evil Munchkin Fauci Click link in Description

See Fauci live proclaim the cult Fauci is 4 feet 7 inches tall in high shoes, he sounds like he is very sick appears mentally disturbed and is unable to make a single statment of his own, and the WHO are deliberately calling every patient Covid positive, even after multiple negative results and then Murdering the patient by administering the worst "recommended covid treatment" ventilating until an otherwise fully treatable patient dies. These are the facts and they are not disputed. The test for covid19 is a fraud. It tests for a common RNA marker found in 20 percent of the population. It is very painful as they insert a stick into the base of your brain through your nose. The administer tells you it is only 50 percent accurate. Even after waiting 3 days for the result and it is negative, they tell you to quarantine as it may be positive next time. For those that know math, don't do the test, just flip a coin, until it comes out the way they want it and they get 53000 US dollars. Then if you feel sick they will vent you and kill you and add to the covid death counts, scare the population and sell your organs. These are the facts and they are not disputed. You have to ask yourself one question. What are you going to do? The WHO knows masks dont help but demand you wear out of respect. The WHO knows masks can kill due to oxygen deprivation, carbon dioxide or viral nasal inhalation, hyper ventilation, anxiety attack, asthma attack, hypoxea, convulsion, epilepsy, copd, allergic reaction, auto immune reaction, dust allergy reaction, toxin nasal inhalation to brain, heat exhaustion, heart failure, respiration failure. So both the question and the answer is in the same sentence. WHO Wants you dead! Bill Gates says he wants to remove 7 billion people, the vaccine should speed up this process. Bill gates says "Just take the shots cause there are just way too many people!"






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

June 11th 2020  

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