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Johnny and Joe time



Double Spy captured

Everyone on your show says that Covid 19 does not exist yet you says it’s terrible and killing everyone you know. How exactly is there no pandemic in 2020 yet 8 months into 2021 now you say there is a pandemic. That would mean slow and no transmission which means you lied saying it is 8 times as contagious as a cold. Now it’s fast moving? You see the deaths chart and say you need a Mathematician to determine that there are no deaths. A three year old can see there is no change year over year but you are not permitted to say that. You tell us that the Vax is bad but your best friend, Trumps friend Roger Stone has his wife get the Jab. 2 plus 2 is 5. And you don’t question Roger as to what pressure he gave his wife Not to Jab, and now she will die of cancer from the jab. You were used for Jan 6 according to your security yet you say you were not used by Trump to create photo insurrection. I am not Blaming you just saying the obvious. There are no variants, you keep saying variants, but it is true if you inject an attenuated virus into a person already with a virus, variants can result, not a good idea. But the Jab is not a virus, it is gene modification causing production of spike proteins, which can be passed on to others, it’s not a variant, it is spike proteins, still very bad. Now, I can confirm that by Covering cells in “protective spikes”, possibly this will through Frankenstein contents, lead to a Super Virus that fights through the protective Spikes, not good. It appears that Texas is a hotbed for bad viruses in August, nothing to do with Covid, maybe get out of Texas instead of attaching it to Conspiracy, it could be a Legionnaires or water related Flu that happened 5 years earlier. You promote Ivermectin which is great, but what happened to using your colloidal silver like the last time your father was sick. You speak out of both sides of your mouth on Key topics, or you are forgetful. Otherwise, you do a good job!






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August 18th 2021  

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