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Johnny and Joe time



Infinitesimal Coin…Crumb Coin…Amoeba Coin In simple terms there is absolutely no value to a digital currency because it is just a number on a screen. Anyone can put a number on a screen of any size and it is worth nothing. Technology, patents, methods etc do have value but that is not what a digital currency is. Anyone paying one penny for a number on a screen is overpaying. On top that, people tend to lose their passwords, codes, ability to access, etc. So they can’t even access their worthless number on a screen lol. No bank, institution or law firm will back any crypto transaction nor Will any company ever be required to accept it. Discarded Bottle caps have more value. Now for anyone that has half a brain I will explain how many digital coins there are. Infinite. One coin is divided out as many times as you want but you cannot divide a Dollar bill too many times because each smaller piece buys less and less rendering them almost useless. The point being if I create a coin with just one unit, everyone can have a piece by division, worthless and useless but you can have one. A friend who knows how to create coins for almost nothing told me to do my thing. I said, you do it, create a coin called Bieber, Desantis, Trump, Washington, Ali, Pele, Jesus, God… and maybe as a joke people will send these coins as a gift. So, all you people that believe in Crypto, go ahead and create these cause they have some use.






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

June 4th 2022  

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