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Johnny and Joe time



A to Z to A to Z to A to Z They move one chess piece at a time. The globalists use Fear as their WMD Fertilizer Do you know human shit is used on all major farms in The world. They can’t block us from shifting, The Globalists are full of shit. Why do I have to explain to everyone including Fuellmich and Alex Jones how things work. Basically once you reach an understanding an end point, the globalists pause and then move the goal posts, it’s endless because eventually the goal posts have made a giant circle back. You have heard that term used by globalists Circling back. That’s the clue that their computer simulation has reached an end and they will restart it. Everyone falls for it over and over and over. Stop listening, stop complying, it’s all BS. Everything in the media, all politicians all countries, all structures. Anyone with any skill can live anywhere reasonably well without any town, city, state, province or country structures. It’s all BS. They convince you to be dependent, that is their fear and their only power. Fuck them all, hail mediocrity and beyond. Globalists, Democrats, Deep state, Illuminati do not do anything but extort form those that do something. Extortion is Fear and Manipulation. Geeez






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February 25th 2022  

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