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Everything Wrong With The Jan 6th Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

  - 21:50






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March 19th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

I don't know how anyone watching this, thinks this is normal? I checked every part, from the SWAT uniforms not correct and they would never be in that environment. The entire room had a bad case of touchy-feely going on! Law enforcement love being patted on the back, and pulled by their coat sleeves and given direction by dopy guys as they are so close and comfortable it's not possible. We watched this! We never get to watch this, why no blurring? We all know deep down this is fake, that's why we can watch it. Get it? There is so much more.


- 3 years ago  

CON-trollers of George Soros' aka "Henry Kissinger" (not dead, though that "thing", it IS the walking dead. However, it is just the brand of that character "Henry A. Kissinger" which was "killed off".) Really, like all these ACT-ors, that is a Rothschild, child of Hillary the Devil (Cain) & one of many of Satan's serpents (the SS) 13 satanic tribes & countless Nephilim (fallen walking dead). The biometrics matching is infallible proof of what I am telling you.(Palm patterns, vein patterns on the back of the hand, and also ear patterns - the entire reason that you are made to "turn to the side and move your hair off of your ears" if you get arrested and processed through law enforcement booking is your unique ear patterns.) This was REVEALED by Andrew Breitbart in a MASSIVE FILE DUMP online right before his "untimely death", showing how Soros'and Code Pink, in concert with countless ACT-ors, organized and funded ALL of "Occupy" events. Check into it. All the world's been enduring the "stage" of the Rothschild "stooges"!


- 3 years ago  

Oops, My spell check changed my text. Not meaning to spam. Not "Kissinger", but the "brand" aka 'spotlight' was "killed off" to make way for the more "prominent brand" of his alter ego "alter brand" of George Soros.