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Gimbalsaw's House Of Info



Wi-Fi test in school on plants growth

  - 4:38

Alex Jones warned us about almost everything that is going down over this past year and a half. The government worked VERY hard to get everyone to dismiss what he said out of hand. To make a joke out of his name. I have been verifying from each source listed, the information that Alex has put forward since 2003. I KNOW, PERSONALLY, THAT HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN RIGHT. Not about every last thing, but most. I never wavered for a second in my support for Alex, because I followed all the sources myself, I knew he spoke truth from the start. You know what that got me to thinking about? What is the biggest thing they want you to see as a joke? When any troll wants to use ad hominem what is the most used statement of contempt? "Tinfoil hat!" Look up how what Faraday cage/fabric is. "Yes, it is possible to use common aluminum foil as a Faraday cage so long as it has no holes in it, has an insulating layer between its surface and the item to be protected, and used in multiple, redundant compartments for maximum protection." "l. The aluminum foil will act as the conducting layer. There should be no tears or gaps in the foil. Use your hands to mold the foil around the entire device. This is the simplest Faraday cage and should shield your device from low-energy everyday electromagnetic radiations like bluetooth, cellphone signals etc." They want you to have the most extreme contempt for the idea that Aluminum foil could block anything harmful. Yet many EMF,RF Faraday cage designs include Aluminum in some form. Remember George Orwell taught us. Think about New Speak. Whatever the Government/news tells you, you must turn it around to see what they are actually telling you. Reverse everything the current, infiltrated, government says, and you start to understand their true intensions. Both sides, you don't get to pretend that there is a "GOOD" side of the divide and conquer narrative. If you follow either divide and conquer party blindly, you are not a real p






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August 3rd 2021  

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Category: Technology & Science


Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

This Is Where The End Begins -- The blackest kiss on the coldest fright. The silent hiss of the Serpent at night. The darkest desire, the crimson in blood. A legion of demons come in like a flood. Not understood... The thing that should not be. All that is good, Will soon cease to be seen. Somewhere in between what's known to us as wrong and right. Something's gone wrong with our spiritual fight. Lies and false alibis divert us from the Truth. As the demons easily prey upon the minds of our youth. Dark spirits aloof, as they feed on our tragedy. Evil that is proof of what lives on through you and me. They'll never see, their eyes have been sealed shut. Dark Prophecy is for that which is corrupt. Abrupt is the Reaper, as your eyes stretch wide. Sharp is the sickle, that harvests your pride. Alive on the outside but dieing inside. Hollow, the shell where the bad spirits hide. Baptized into ignorance, No lesson to learn. Feed on the innocence, More bodies to burn. If they don't submit, off with their heads. Genocidal maniacs, Millions lay dead. It's often said, 'He who dies with the most toys wins'. I'd like to be there when they die, and judge them for their sins. Blood for blood, and eye for eye, Mother's cry and hatred wins. As our love has gone awry. This is Where the End Begins. Fallen Angels from the sky. This is Where the End Begins. The blackest confinement on a cold dark night. The tightest of shackles, the blood runs bright. A slave to perversion, your body they crave. Bring in the virgin, The energy she gave, to the ancient of rituals... Things that should not be. Certain individuals... In league with the unholy trinity. Somewhere in between what's known to us as Heaven and Hell. Things that are unseen will rise. Choking from sulfuric smell. The Father of Lies, whom is despised by Angels of the Truth. Has been baptized into his demise, We don't need anymore proof. I'm not a sleuth, I just know the Truth that resides inside of me. It contradicts the tooth for tooth, and life will be mine infinitely. If only you would see, or is your Third Eye corrupt. This evil has spread across the sea, it's time to wake up. War erupts like cancer for the profit of a few. Thinking that the answer is to kill those less fortunate than you. Strong on the outside, but on the inside, there's decay. It was the same with Lucifer's pride, that caused this power to go astray. Ostracized with no defense. Beaten and burnt. Chastise me with ignorance, Come and take your turn. They're infidels, they're demon's pets. Go to Hell, I ain't dead yet. I already said, if this is as good as it gets. I choose to be saved, and live with no regrets. It's often said, 'Ya gotta break a few eggs to make a breakfast omelette'. If they ever saw a man lose his arms and his legs, I guarantee they'd vomit. The flood of blood , the Serpent's eye. The end is nigh as our judgement begins. Killing each other... for what, and for why? This is Where the End Begins. Watching Angles Fall from High. This is Where the End Begins. Written by: Michael Taylor August 3rd. 2021 ©

"This will be my last response." <------ I already knew you were dishonest ;) Go sell your homo god to someone that gives a flying fuck.

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

It doesn't take long to trigger a hypocrite. Don't bitch about the evil in this world, and then deny God fool. This will be my last response. You know nothing about me, what I know, or spirituality. God is not relugious. Man is. You are talking about religion. God is INSIDE the heart, not the mind. This is man's folly. Puffed up, fool of pride.. just like the Father of Lies. I need not argue for God. He will justify Himself. ✌️

Blah blah blah and a stock of bananas to you too buddy.. Let us all pray to the great pumpkin.. You love to hear yourself talk.. Your god is a bitch, if it even existed, it is a monster, scripting the horrible torcher of children and babies.. Fuck your bitch of a god in the ass, he would like it I bet..

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

Gimbalsaw's house of Info doesn't have Info on God. The fairytale is this Matrix. To be completely surrounded by evil and still deny Satan and God makes one a Fool.

Neither do you, you have information on a story that was fed to you. I do have information on the fairytales men weave for control.. Look up Zeitgeist here. I was being nice, but you want to keep selling your delusions.. Fuck your god.. Fuck your lie, loony.. The fool is the one that following the book the matrix wrote to control the feeble minded..

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

Well, 1st... I don't take offense to people statements... That's idiotic. 2nd. I must remind, that it is SIN, not God that is to blame. We cannot blame OUR evil on God. This world belongs to Satan. That is proven in Scripture as well as our current state. There is a spiritual war going on, and though it may seem like a lifetime for us, it is but barely a blink in the eye of the Creator. I refuse to turn my anger on God when the anger should be aimed at our Nemesis, Satan. I feel that as long as people are having Intellectual conversation, it should be respected and listened to, regardless if we agree or not. That's what used to make life beautiful. I was born from rape. I work for Jesus. We will be Victorious. So shall it be written... So shall it be done. May light, health, and joy be yours. ✌️

Follow your fairytale all you like... Have a great day ..

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

Presumptuous of you to say, but, Que Sera, Sera. I Only Trust What The Creator ALLOWS Me To Know. 🙏

Follow your fairytale all you like. If there is a god, he allowed the slaughter of over 25,000,000 babies before they took their first breath. Worship your monster, I care not.. But be clear, nothing presumptuous about what I said. I responded to your ad hominem statement. I don't have to presume anything, I can read your words. I was not attacking you, I was trying to help you understand how valueless ad hominem is.. If you had brought up a factual counterpoint, that would have been conducive to a rational discussion. That is all.. People find it hard to believe, but I am far too logically based to have emotion about these comments. Sorry if you took offense ..

25,000,000 so far this year**

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

What made me not trust Infowars was the fact it is owned by Ted Turner. Again... They are all on the same team, and all part of the Disinformation/Misinformation/Propaganda age. 🖖

That would be an Ad Hominem. Judging it by the org or the person, rather than evaluating and verifying the data.. Exactly why our country is where it is today... You built that..


- 3 years ago  

Truly, if we can only remember to interrupt ourselves before dismissing their voices, we will come to the realisation that our children are our greatest teachers.