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GSH for Life



Dr. Lorraine Day M.D. - Understanding 5G

  - 1:53:28,-MD,-Understanding-10-6-21:6 5G is a kill grid that will lead to forced vaccinations - 14:52 -> Birds Attack 5G Tower - 0:52 -> Contamination par la Géo-ingénierie sur la population! - 31:45 (German, English, French sub)-> Ionized Atmosphere & Air Causing Sickness - 17:19 -> Alexandria, Ontario, Canada - Microwave Warfare - 2:10:43 -> Resonance Beings of Frequency - 1:28:22 ->






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February 25th 2022  

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Category: Technology & Science



- 2 years ago  

How many doctors are Freemasons? Remember they bow to the oath and Satan first before their Hippocratic oath. Make no mistake about it, Satan and Freemasonary is everywhere, all disciplines and industries. Beware , you’ve been warned!!!!

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

Critical Important Information About RT-PCR Testing Swabs - 5:21 ->


- 2 years ago  

Change Your Life Right Now! Work From Comfort Of Your Home And Receive Your First Paycheck Within A Week. No Experience Needed, No Boss Over Your Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots Open… Find out how HERE……. ☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛ https://Www.Worksclick.Com

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

Do you seriously think that people are that stupid to click on your fake links to scam others? You're wasting your time!

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

Who We Are: -> We are an international group of scientists and medical practitioners who, through various angles and techniques, have observed similar microscopic phenomena regarding the recently deployed Covid-19 injections. We have examined various aspects of Pfizer Comirnaty, Janssen, J and J, and Moderna shots. We will continue to examine future injections.

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

MATra (Magnetic Assisted Transfection) Matra links 1.) 2.) 3.)…/S1549-9634(15)000…/abstract It's basic cellular biology ~ A healthy blood cell wall is comprised of plasma which responds to frequency to uptake and discharge gasses, nutrients and waste. Natural charges are minuscule compared to mm wave frequency which is raw kinetic energy that does catastrophic damage. It blasts wide open these ion gates (gates of the gods) to allow pathogenic sRNA to pass and also fractures healthy DNA. What you end up with is sRNA exposed to fractured DNA which is recombined into the biological information. This (CRISPR) technology was developed by Dr Mary Sherman (Read Dr Mary's Monkey) in the 60's. It is also the gold standard of genetic modification technology. MATra bio-warfare is designed to be regional or national by adjusting frequency of cell towers while receiving real-time data back from HIPAA compliant Doctors This permits triggering precise outbreaks of "disease" on a regional or national basis while maintaining plausible deniability. Sooner or later people will attempt to take out the towers, which is when UN WHO gets called in to "assist" the "national pandemic" but I don't see them coming in until a large percentage of the US population has succumbed In the meantime they'll use militarized police to defend the towers while they themselves are dying from the same invisible source of disease. The real danger is psychosis, which is part of the progression of metal toxicity. The whole narrative on "gun control" is to provoke mass gun sales, which has worked. Once the masses begin to go through the disease progression, psychosis and random unprovoked violence will ensue, then all they gotta do is wait. EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  


Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World Who's Doing it and Why? by Lorraine Day, M.D. 30 YEARS of Research in ONE Book!

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

The real "Invisible Enemy". Virus-Like Particles activated via Magnet Assisted Transfection. [nanotech] ->


- 2 years ago  

Make everyone ( £26,000 __ £38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than £15k just by doing simple work With No Prior q Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just open this link.======>………

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

Do you seriously think that people are that stupid to click on your fake links to scam others? You're wasting your time!

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago Dr Pierre Gilbert 1995 Magnetic Vaccines (English Subtitles) - 1:06 Dr Pierre Gilbert in 1995: "In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda" This is also interesting: virus sized transistors

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

VMAT2 God Gene - 3:05 ->

Organic Health Crusader

- 2 years ago  

The Human Genome Project (HGP) took 13 years to complete. (1990-2003). The secular atheists in charge of the " gene mapping" project were fully confident that they would eventually uncover the original genetic link of humanity to the great apes - proving to the world once and for all the "science" of Darwinian evolution. Rather than "proving" evolution, the science instead uncovered a specific genetic marker within the human genome showing that the entire genetic map was actually created by intelligent design, and did NOT "evolve" through "natural selection". This segment of the DNA chain was titled the "VMAT2" (Vesicular Mono-Amine Transport) or "God Gene." Why was this "VMAT2" named the "God Gene"? Literally because the HGP map showed that this gene alone is what determines, through one's heredity (i.e. gene pool) the spiritual roots connecting the MIND, and SPIRIT to the human physical BODY - and then in turn to the very throne of God. It's a very long and complicated explanation, Rabbi, but let me attempt to give you an easily understood condensed version for your edification. And keep in mind, this is no longer a mere "hypothesis" - it is a well-established TRUTH as evidenced by all the technology now employed to eliminate and destroy it. (BTW -- Some geneticists originally called the VMAT2 the "Cohen" Gene - because it clearly invokes a direct connection to God.) The cerebrum (frontal lobe or NEOCORTEX) portion of the human brain has numerous "receptors" where certain chemical signals generated by the VMAT2 Gene are received and processed. Numerous studies have shown that it is this frontal lobe of the brain where the HIGHER EMOTIONS are registered - especially the emotion of LOVE, as well as that of HOPE and PEACE are clearly registered and recognized. Conversely, the "Basal Ganglia" or "Reptilian" lower portion of the brain are where the "base" emotions of HATE, FEAR, and ANGER are predominant. (AKA the three F's - Fight, Flee, or Freeze instincts.) The balancing portion of the brain between the Higher Brain and Basal Brain is called the Limbic Arc - or "mid-brain" region. What is also significant is that individuals who have highly functioning frontal lobes cannot be hypnotized. Roughly 20% of the human population fall under this category, according to studies done in 1982. Individuals who are reptilian brain dominant are extremely easy to hypnotize. The KEY to this entire brain science is without a doubt tied to the active and functioning VMAT2 gene. I personally can hardly imagine the HORROR of living in a world completely dominated by people unable to access their frontal lobes and are operating exclusively in the reptilian 'survival' brain. I humbly submit that Humanity will lose its collective soul if that were to happen. Now is where things turn nefarious in the extreme. Beginning immediately after the HGP concluded in 2003, The Rockefeller Foundation-funded labs in both the USA and China began focusing on developing ways to chemically inhibit the functionality of the human VMAT2 gene. They found that by creating a specific chimera VIRUS (remember that a virus is nothing more than m-RNA protected by a spiked protein sheath) this VIRUS would genetically attack and alter the VMAT2 and thereby markedly decrease the mono-amines that makes the frontal lobes of the brain function. By 2007, the "top secret" project was code-named "149AZ2" and the chimera virus they were contracting to build in BLS4 labs (such as in Wuhan, China) was designated Vesicular Stomatitis Virus or VSV. The virus was proven effective at blocking the VMAT2, but there was one hurdle they eventually could not overcome: how to get the virus into the blood of RELIGIOUS people worldwide. They experimented with large-scale aerosol infection and even tried placing it into drinking water - without success. In short, this new virus had to be INJECTED directly into the bloodstream - just like the HIV virus of the 80's. This is what was ATTEMPTED in the 2010 "Swine Flu Pandemic" - but it failed miserably. CRISPR TO THE RESCUE In early 2011, Chinese-born geneticist Feng Zhang, working at MIT (with massive funding from the Chinese Communist Party, see link below) had developed a process named CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats.) In normal speak, CRISPR is what scientists call small (short) patterns (repeats) of DNA that occur in spaced out groups (clustered regularly interspaced) that are the same spelled backwards and forwards (palindromic). Simply stated, CRISPR technology basically allows SYNTHETIC m-RNA STRANDS to selectively target and then TOTALLY REMOVE selected portions of the genome. In other words, CRISPR specialized m-RNA could now be directly injected into humans via hypodermic needle and the entire VMAT2 gene could now be surgically removed. No more need of a "virus" to inhibit the VMAT2 function - NOW the entire gene can be removed entirely! The only hurdle was to make the m-RNA injection HIGHLY DESIRABLE by the inhabitants of the entire world. Enter COVID-19 and the totally unfounded FEAR-GENERATED FALSE NARRATIVES. Here is the basic roadmap: 1. U.S. Military researchers knew as early as 1971 that 60 GHZ MICROWAVES would absolutely cause symptoms they dubbed radiation sickness - the primary three symptoms being: a) a neurological loss of taste and smell (viruses don't cause such symptoms, typically) b) severe shortness of breath c) lethargy and low-grade fever.) Moreover, the military knew that the symptoms would not be universal in nature if the radiation was not concentrated, but rather disbursed widely. Manifestation of adverse symptomology was dependent primarily on the individual's existing health and level of active immune system. (See attached US NAVY Documentation disbursed in 1971.) 2. The "SARS-Cov-2" is actually a non-existent virus which was developed solely as a very convincing cover story for the inevitable 5G rollout symptomology on a world-wide scale! This was done with full complicity of the World Health Organization (WHO). Cells under stress from existing toxicity combined with the new microwave radiation triggered the production of cellular "exosomes" (by definition, exosomes are m-RNA designed to trigger immune responses to clear the toxins. Exosomes are also completely synonymous with "corona viruses.") 3. The gullible, ignorant public was duped into falsely believing that the RT-PCR (Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction) gene test was actually an accurate and effective DIAGNOSTIC TOOL! Nothing could be further from the truth. No "gold standard" blood test actually employed from the outset simply means there is no specific "novel" virus in the blood. So blood tests would ALL be 'Negative'. The "Vaccine" is in reality a CRISPR GENETIC EDITING INJECTION - that is permanent in nature, as well as MULTI-GENERATIONAL. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) - a division of the U.S. Government - studied all aspects of the human brain, and more importantly, how to use advanced "Neuro Tech and Science" to absolutely CONTROL the human brain worldwide. Primary supporting websites: MIT Professor Is Accused of Hiding Millions in China Grants - Bloomberg Everything You Should Know About CRISPR — And Where to Learn More QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion – The Millennium Report Dr. James Giordano: Battlescape Brain: Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science I am Legend NMRI Report 1971 VMAT2 2007 COVID19 Roadmap Infectious Myth David Crowe