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Mind Blown



9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out - Abridged Movie

  - 58:37 'AE911Truth is proud to release the International Edition of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”. This film features the myth-shattering evidence from more than 40 experts in the fields of structural engineering, high-rise architecture, physics, chemistry, firefighting, metallurgy, and controlled demolition, and has been translated into many languages. Packed with example after example, “Experts Speak Out” is sure to make anyone seeking honest answers and conclusions about the the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 re-think very seriously the official conspiracy theory from our government and consider the enormous implications of this scientific forensic evidence, realize the importance of obtaining a genuine investigation, and do something to make sure that we reach that goal. In addition to interviews with technical experts who provide the devastating WTC evidence, the film features interviews with several psychologists who help articulate the challenges encountered by many people as they grapple with the darker implications of the physical evidence and cope with this new found reality. The last segment of “Experts Speak Out” includes 4 of the 9/11 victim family members whose heartrending stories and pursuit of justice for their loved ones inspires all of us to work harder to expose the truth to the sleeping public. “AE911Truth is encouraged by the excitement surrounding this important work. We expect that this film will be used for decades to come by 9/11 Truth activists around the world.” - Richard Gage, AIA, AE911Truth founder'






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September 6th 2021  

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