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Mind Blown



Democrat Fraud continues in CA Recall Election, Registered R's told they 'already voted'

  - 0:45

Original video found here: They can't win without cheating, unfortunately they keep getting away with it.






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September 13th 2021  

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- 2 years ago  

Copied over to BitChute for Primary Season. Thank You for posting!


- 3 years ago  


Barbarossa 296

- 3 years ago  

Treason has been common in this country for decades. President Bill Clinton committed treason when he signed an executive order allowing American Companies to sell advanced technology to Communist China just two weeks after the Congress of the United States passed a veto-proof law making such sales illegal. Presidents Obama and Biden commit treason when they encourage, enable, and facilitate illegal immigration into this country. The U.S. military personnel that lied to and disobeyed President Trump’s orders to evacuate Syria committed treason. So it should be no surprise that academics, lower level government bureaucrats, and celebrities find it easy to do so. Besides, our children feel little or no loyalty to the United States of America, its Constitution, or traditional American values. The “Frankfort School” (multi-national Communist activists and social scientists who fled to America from Nazi Germany) infiltrated American universities and indoctrinated students and professors in cultural Marxism. But until President Jimmy Carter created the Federal Department of Education, the American public school system was too decentralized to easily control (the Founding Fathers wanted education to be controlled locally). Within a decade of the Department of Education’s founding, cultural Marxists seized control of our public school system. With the Marxist domination of the entertainment and news media, American children are immersed in Marxist beliefs. As our children grew up, they were taught that everything that made America great was in fact evil. As they grew older, these children began to take their parent’s places as corporate officers, doctors, law enforcement, lawyers, military, politicians, and more. Being “woke” and eager to signal their virtue, they sacrifice honor and profits to make Marxist political and social statements. Lacking facts, critical thinking skills, logic, and reason, they are blind to anything contrary to Marxism. So, in a country where the youth and young adults believe that treason to an “evil”, “homophobic”, “misogynistic”, “racist” country is a virtue, why shouldn’t one see increasing amounts of treason among our people? The cultural Marxists/Globalists (Communists) took control of American education over 25 years ago – now we’re seeing treason being promoted as a virtue among our children. Maybe we should have been more attentive as to how and by whom our children were being raised and educated. Maybe our children were more important than whether or not we “self actualized” ourselves or got to be the CEO of our own corporations, etc. The American people have been “asleep at the wheel” for far too long. Now they’re waking up from their “American Dream” and discovering that they live in a nightmare!

Barbarossa 296

- 3 years ago  

While the hopium addicts are waiting for imaginary judicial or political solutions to the successful cultural Marxist/Globalist political coup, the Biden/Harris regime has successfully purged Federal law enforcement and is currently purging the U.S. military of oath keepers, Trump supporters, and anyone else who might not be “woke” enough to kill American citizens on American soil. A classic Communist take-over occurs before these “Patriots’” very eyes and they are blind to it. Ignoring the decades-long legacy of unenforced laws, these “Patriots” seem to think that suddenly these laws shall be enforced and that somehow someway Trump shall be reinstalled as President! Didn’t they hear that Trump himself declared that in no way does he seek to overturn the last election ( In the same breath that they declare the 2020 election “stolen” these hopium addicts declare that they’ll win in 2022 and 2024! The Communists don’t care about law because they’ve proven time and again that laws are meaningless without power (enforcement) and as long as they have power they can do what they want! These Communists are playing by their own rules and most of our “Patriots” are clueless as to what those rules are. So while the Communists are playing by Mao’s “love comes from the barrel of a gun” rules, too many of our “Patriots” are trying to pretend that the checks and balances created by the Founding Fathers didn’t fail long ago. That the Executive Branch doesn’t write its own laws or refuses to enforce those laws passed by the Legislature that it dislikes. That it doesn’t ignore rulings by the courts that displease it. They don’t believe that the Judicial Branch interprets law to give it meanings that the authors never intended. They believe that the Legislative Branch doesn’t pass bloated budgets, non-binding resolutions, and laws that do exactly the opposite of what they claim to do. And they apparently believe that our Representatives always loyally represent us. Now while the Communists prepare to lock us down or force us to take a “vaccine” or be “cancelled” because of a pandemic that they manufactured so that they can continue their power grab, far too many of our “Patriots” are getting their next fix of hopium. Karl Marx once said that religion was the opium of the masses. Today, hopium is the opium of our “Patriots”. So far, these addicts haven’t so much as lifted a finger to stop the Communists from consolidating their ill gotten power!

Mind Blown

- 3 years ago  

Yeah, the Q-folk got played BIG LEAGUE. Unfortunately no cavalry is coming to the rescue. How do you win any election when every election is stolen and all the people who can do something about it are compromised.