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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 123 - Martin's "BAD" Dream!

  - 1:09:24

Yesterday was Martin Luther King day in the USA. I felt it was necessary to deal with this false HERO from history, this DREAMER and the false claims and omissions made about him by Masonic historians intent on enshrining him as a HERO for people to idolize and worship. I had intended to do this some time ago but more important issues emerged at the time and i had to defer due to time constraints. First i want to say a few words about the Luciferian Jesuit Cult of Death and their system of dead Hero adulation practiced by all! This memorializing and enshrinement of human “gods” is Masonic - Luciferian. It is done deliberately in order to blind people with HERO “adulation or adoration and to distract away from the truth of this supposed HERO and the purpose BEHIND his actions. The Luciferians love eulogizing and worshipping the DEAD because it keeps the mind control Matrix intact. They do it in their Roman Cathedrals, Masonic Temples, Masonic schools, in films, in music, in books and in public Remembrance Day war dead rituals. This practice is a form of BLASPHEMY and i’ll tell you why. Worshipping, adoring and praying directly to the dead is prohibited by God. It is a pagan practice and is an abomination to God! Worship of the dead summons the presence of demons. Satan is the god of the dead. He LOVES killing people. Memorializing the dead means God is NOT worshipped as the God of Life. Worship and adoration is going to Satan the god of this world, the god of death instead. Is this serious, this culture of memorializing the dead? Yes it is! God hates it because these activities distract away from LIFE AFFIRMING CULTURE centred around the resurrection Of Jesus Christ from the dead and his CONQUEST over DEATH and SATAN who once had that power! He doesn’t anymore! We are to focus on LIFE and that source of Life is Jesus Christ! He is the ONLY one worthy to be ADORED and WORSHIPPED by all of creation!






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March 10th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education

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