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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 234 - Fog!

  - 1:17:51

** Pls Note: I have incorrectly named "Aluminium" as "Thimerosal" adjuvant in vaccines. It should be "Mercury" NOT "Aluminium! In this video i want to highlight the “curses” that God declared through Moses would come upon the Israelites if they abandoned God for false gods and engaged in sinful practices. This is a spiritual WARNING that applies to ALL people TODAY who remain UN-INJECTED both Christian and NON-Christian! The curses have already swallowed up the INJECTED who worship the false god of SCIENCE! Some of the conditions that disobedient people would be afflicted or cursed with include, madness, blindness and confusion of mind. This is a big part of what is happening now to those who have been INJECTED with the CV19 vaccines. People are literally LOSING THEIR MINDS and it was all PLANNED. I have seen many articles and videos now dealing with what is termed “Covid Brain Fog.” Of course we know that there is NO Covid and so the only people suffering from Brain Fog are those who have in fact received the INJECTIONS or PCR nasal tests or have been MASKING regularly over the last 18 months. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 246 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series BitChute - Darkness Is Falling






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

June 25th 2022  

File Size: 306 MB

Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

If monkey pox was real or natural it would have began and flourished in one major area and not appeared randomly, one in this country and one in that country and one in another, all over the map


- 2 years ago  

I keep going back to "Stephen", I knew it was a pertinent message over a year ago when I first heard it. Is there anything I can do to host messages for you brother? I'm not sure if I can download videos of here, and people (the unmarked) need to hear it!

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Ben Stephen is such an important figure for us. We are to copy his example. He is a "type" of Christ! Stay humble and do whatever God leads you to do! He will show you as you ask him to guide you! God bless you brother!


- 2 years ago  

I keep going back to "Stephen", I knew it was a pertinent message over a year ago when I first heard it. Is there anything I can do to host messages for you brother? I'm not sure if I can download videos of here, and people (the unmarked) need to hear it!


- 2 years ago  

You're such an encouragement, brother William. I love your zeal and love for the Lord. I'm completely censored on YouTube and Reddit, I've been spreading your videos as much as my limited reach will go I'm praying for you and your younger brother every day, I love you my brother, thank you for being a good and faithful servant to the Lord. God bless you, brother. Stay strong in the LORD!

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Ben It's great to hear from you! THAT is more of an encouragement to me than you will know. Thank you for sharing these messages. Don't worry about your limited reach. We are ALL limited in what we can do. Censorship is rising so do not fret. Share as you can, where you can. What i do is Copy and Paste a simple WARNING message along with 2 weblinks to my website INTO as many Covid or Monkey Pox "news" video comment threads on You Tube as often as i can. Anyone can do this on a regular basis. I believe this has increased traffic to my website by up to 50%. You can do this too. Here's my sample post: COVID IS A FICTION!!! DO NOT INJECT!!! MORE ROMAN MEDIA DIS-INFORMATION! Viruses are NOT ALIVE and are BENEFICIAL not HARMFUL. It is IMPOSSIBLE to CATCH a VIRUS! This is a science "Myth." There is NO KILLER Virus or PANDEMIC. DO NOT TAKE THE COVID 19 VACCINE. It's NOT a vaccine but a DNA corrupting Bio-Metric IMPLANT! Once injected, the effects on the human body are IRREVERSIBLE! This SERIES of INJECTIONS IS the Biblical Mark OF The Beast! Learn more at: and I modify this message to suit the video message which change here and there. Aside from prayer, opportunities for sharing the truth are diminishing. Insert messages into any Covid video description box on any channel you can access; BitChute, FB, Instagram, Rumble etc. I love you too for being faithful to the Lord. These connections bring tears to my eyes because we can't meet this side of Glory. I'm praying for you! God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

Dear sir william, I am very happy to see you in your new video, very informative, very on the topic, as usual.________________________ As you know, better than me, we are impregnated with substances like graphene, "intelligent dust", through different ways like drinking water, through air, food, pharmaceuticals like dental anesthesia etc. which do not depend on our will or our decision. Injections bypass natural immunological barriers as they enter directly into the blood or interstidium - I suspect that many people do not see this difference clearly._____ The blindness or the hypocrisy of the medical profession and the ecclesiastical hierarchies is frightening. Or are they under the effect of deep hypnosis? Is it true that the meaning of the first baptism is the awareness of the evil that one carries within oneself and of the sin, the regret, the repentance and the definitive separation from this evil resulting in the definitive transformation of the person? Not everyone has the privilege of living in small Christian "ecclesia", but in the desert of the cities of millions of inhabitants... The second baptism is the fire of the Holy Spirit ? And the third baptism which has to do with "the new name" given by God ? - in this question I am even more totally ignorant. Thank you again for your video. Thank you for your prayers for us, I am sure all your viewers pray for you too. May Jesus Christ keep His protective hand on you always God bless you!

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna Great to hear from you! Yes, we are ALL carrying different nano-technologies in our bodies. They are nefarious to be sure and serve to compromise world health. This is very different to the voluntary, willful, personal use of and "Injection" with the CV19 technologies by billions just so they can SAVE their LIVES from a virus that doesn't exist! The "Blindness" of ALL these people is staggering considering that the WARNINGS were there from the beginning. People IGNORED them! Yes, they under the "STRONG DELUSION" sent by God. You can read this in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. God is DAMNING them for their refusal to REPENT of their IDOLATRY and WICKED LIFESTYLES and turn back to him. Re: Baptisms. There are 2 baptisms which the Bible describes as ONE in Ephesians 4:4-6. We know this because Water Baptism by "full immersion" is commanded by Jesus in John 3:5-6 and there are many scripture in Acts describing the early disciples being Water Baptized. The second Baptism is full immersion in the Holy Spirit which is described for the 1st time starting in Acts 2:1-4 and then in many scriptures throughout Acts. You can read about these on my website at: and Both of these are required for SALVATION and ACCEPTANCE into the Kingdom Of God! IF you haven't been Water and Spirit baptized then i urge you to get this done as time is running out. The 2 Baptisms are NOT an option. I do NOT KNOW of a 3rd baptism. It is NOT in the Bible. Only 2! If you are holding onto any Roman Catholic "teachings" or "rituals" then i urge you to get rid of them. They are an abomination to God. If you have any questions please let me know anytime. I will do my best to answer them and get you home to Heaven. God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

Thank you Mr William for your total dedication for your audience. As I had written you before, I have listened attentively to all your inspired and clever analysis, posing to meditate Bible quotations you used, took notes, downloaded your videos and materials you share. I presume that I have probably well understud your message. Sincere and constant prayer from the bottom of the heart and trying to support others is all I can do. I live in the center of a capital city which have a very good chance to be destroyed due to the military conflict escalation, but, what if, who knows, there will somewhere be some dispersed remnant of intelligent poeple able to rebuilt a just world under Jesus reign ? My faith is quite simple, dear Mr William, and my ideas about the "new name" are not clear at all from the theological point of view, but I mentionned it with reference to Revelation 2:17 "... I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known anly to him who receives it" I hope you are well and that you will share with us your new thougts and ideas soon, in a new video. God bless you and protect you