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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 188 - Rev 13:7 Impasse!

  - 51:35

In this video i want to address a false perception that many people including professing believers ascribe to. It is the belief that history has seen many disruptions or ruptures in its course of progress since the beginning and that the current world pandemic event is just another blip on the screen or bump in the road. I hear people saying this all the time. It is ALARMING! Multiple virus and pandemic events through the 20th century have primed this notion. The Jesuits planned it that way. The Romans have been training people to believe that “Better Days” always Lie ahead! People believe in an unending FUTURE! It is unbiblical. ALL THINGS END! My Video No.97 titled “A Synopsis Of Endings” deals with this. I urge you to watch it. The whole Bible is devoted to the idea of God’s Kingdom coming onto the Earth. This false idea perpetuates the idea that history never ends and that man continues to evolve toward a golden New Age. God’s Kingdom is dangerously deferred forever in many people’s minds. I have touched on this subject a few times in this series of videos. This idea fostered in the writings of secular revisionist historians is an ILLUSION, just one of many ILLUSIONS created by the Jesuit Order to distract people from the truth. It has worked with stunning success. This idea creates False HOPE and is just one of many False HOPES that people cling to including Science as saviour and a False Rapture “Rescue” event that isn’t Biblical. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception






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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Thank you dear man.


- 3 years ago  

Thank you for your reply.You are right that I am saying that we each must keep the ten commandments . It takes time to consider the issues to become convinced of that but once realised ,it can be seen that the bible is alive with it from start to finish. In addition to that God our Father only is self existent and the Son who came forth from His bosom and Who can enter into all His council can create by the Father allowing Him to use His self existence . In Genesis when the Spirit was upon the face of the deep this was simply God choosing to do a work in a part of His creation that previously He had left as the deep. There is no third free moral agent called the " Spirit" . The Spirit is the very power of God enabling change. It is our Father that we must present our petitions for that changing power to keep His ten commandments. All who strive to be obedient are considered righteous so long as they continue in that striving .Ezekiel 18 talks of being in and out of striving. The " set apart people" of the old testament were cut off because they did not ask our Father for that power and in their own strength failed. They ( including Paul) thought the brazen altar taught them that they had blessings from someone else's life, but the " daily "on the brazen altar is how the life is lived.Trespass offerings of the pennant were to be an acknowledgement of that lifestyle and a commitment to cease the lifestyle that the pennant had been living to that point. The fire on that altar represents the Father's power. The wood represents the unconverted as they came forth from the dust of the earth. The ram caught in a thicket when Isaac did not die ,represents the dilemma our Father and His Son ( the two horns able to manifest the Father's power)were having over mankind( the thicket) ,as to how they would educate mankind that only the ten commandments could make them aware of the need to resist temptation .It was then that they embarked on the plan that the Son would die to His self existent life in His Father and take on the life of a created free moral agent with only the title of " The Word of God" . That title was returned to the Father when Jesus said while on the cross " into Thy hands I commend my spirit" . The tearing of the curtain was God's declaring he no longer had a spokesman. It is these things that the true child of God is to be speaking about ,for it is out of them that the 144,000 will take their resolve to choose God. Luke 18 " when I come will I find faith in the world?" ; One of the components of the 144,000 is that 144,000 individuals must be continually willing into " holiness"; given Jesus only spoke what the Father by His spirit revealed to him ,those words recorded by Luke point to the possibility that the 144000 will never come to be. If that happens then the second and third angel's message and the power of God attending those messages as prophesied in Revelation 18 will not happen. As the 144,000 are a first fruit unto God ,then their failure to be will mean that the " Christian era" is as big a failure as was the Jewish era ......they were given 490 years to bring in everlasting righteousness. Jesus came as the passover lamb "riding on a colt the following of an ass that had never been ridden before. To discover that that was prophesied in Genesis does not reveal its warning for us at the end of time. The ass always referrs to the doctrine that carries our life along. How strange is the story where David's solution to Solomon becoming king was to have him ride upon an ass with the prophet of God in the lead. In country life an ass in a field with the heard and the flock will kick and bite any predators that would tear at the heard or the flock ." The fole of an ass that had never been ridden before" Jesus had only the writings of Moses and the prophets to teach him of relationship with the Father as had all the culture he was born into,and yet his doctrine was such that no one had ever lived that way before. Jesus has given us the example we must follow.


- 3 years ago  

"the driver's licence analogy" getting a driver's license without the ability to drive is analogus to imputed righteousness. Getting a driver's licence this way can only be done through deception. Any analogy to explain the gospel that necessitates a deception for its types must not be valid as there is no deception in God. Let us consider this analogy a different way. The person striving to develop driving skills( developing the character of Jesus{receiving imparted righteousness}) will obtain a driver's licence before he dies or his epitaph will say " this man would have been a great driver had he lived longer" . For those who strive to have the character of Jesus from this moment on until the day they die or probation closes,even if they don't achieve it,God gives them a wedding garment. Those who achieve the skills and obtain the driver's licence are the 144,000. Those who don't strive because they assume righteousness has been imparted,even though they do this according to the word of " God's " messenger or apostle are not given imputed righteousness . When the 144,000 have developed the character of Jesus all Sabbath keepers who have not strived because they have assumed imputed righteousness are cut off.That is their opportunity to strive is closed and Jesus takes away the candle of the last church. All those who are striving but have not developed the full character of Jesus when the 144,000 number is made up are put through persecution and death( during which they must continue to strive) are granted a wedding garment. This is the judgment that starts at His church and is the human martyr testimony that we must obey the ten commandments. What of the 144,000 ? With signs and wonders following ( this is the power attending the two voices in Revelation 18v1- 8) this group that were developed under the 1st angels message in chapter 14 , will pesent God's will firstly to the churched non Sabbath keepers ( paralleling the " of every kind of clean animals ,seven pair). Those who take their stand for the Sabbath despite persecution and death will be given a wedding garment. All this contention will get the attention of the unchurched and anyone who wants a wedding garment must take their stand for the Sabbath despite persecution and death. The foregoing is why God had His Messanger emphasised the parable of the ten virgins and suffered the flack from the open / closed door statement. There will be a closed door to all who are not striving when the 144,000 number is made up,there is a closed door to the churched of the world who ignore the signs and wonders( paralleling the Millerite interaction with the established churches ),and there is a closed door once all of the unchurched have decided for or against the Sabbath,(paralleling the 3000 naked that Moses invited to stand with him at the golden calf{ self righteous natural livers} ). The last closed door being heralded by Jesus declaring probation closed. Signs and wonders are the very power of God in action,and it is God's way of saying listen to this and act upon it and seek grace from Me that you will be able to endure. The power that attends the voice of 18 in support of the second and third angel's of chapter 14 is the " latter rain ". The seeking grace from God to be obedient to His ten commandments is the " sprinkling" in the individual's life . The forementioned is the explanation of when the Sabbath becomes a test and why we are counselled it is not a test yet.For the 144,000 the Sabbath is an opportunity to rest from the chores of life and consider their relationship with God and share that with their fellow man. Just as our vessel dies when blood does not carry oxygen ,so the spiritual life dies if we don't obtain grace from God to keep His ten commandments and be a blessing to our fellow man ( His people). This is the lifestyle Jesus wants us to take on.This is what is meant to drink his blood. Grace is given in answer to the prayer for assistance to be obedient and to uplift a brother or sister. Realising that, that is the lifestyle is what it is to " eat my flesh". In Gethsemane our Father presented to Jesus what would be inflicted on him if our Father allowed Satan unlimited influence on those who held him in custody until his prophesied death. The three anguishings ,parallel the anguishing that each group of the three angel messages of Revelation 14 enter into. And for each group the reply must be the same " if this cup will not pass away from me lest I drink it ,Thy will be done". By Jesus sbmitting to that our Father was able to show Lucifer demonstrating the fruits of his doctrine which is not by uplifting but by coercion is society to be controlled. Unless it is God's will,we do not see the interaction between angels and the minds of man,however in all likelihood such interaction is not hidden from onlooking angels. What God's angels witnessed made them realise that in Lucifer and his there was no good in them. Jesus submitting to the drinking of that cup revealed to the heavenly host the heinousness of Lucifer's doctrine. Despite the coercion in our life we are to live the lifestyle Jesus showed us. That is the cup we must drink. We must remember that the doctrines developed in the apostolic age occurred during a period that God's "set apart people " were no longer to be the ones to present the knowledge of the creator to mankind and the revealing that The Son of God died to His divinity to give us an example of how to live within the ten commandments. It was also necessary for God to somehow get the writings of Moses and the prophets into the hands of individuals. It was those writings that taught Jesus the relationship between God and man. Paul's claiming that Jesus took his blood and presented it to our Father at His ascension ( or His resurrection) does not have confirmation in the ceremonial law. In E Writings where Jesus petitions our Father to continue to allow the winds of strife to be held back Jesus says " my blood Father my blood,my blood, my blood " .The first my blood referrs to all those written in the Lamb's book of life prior to end time events. The last three represent the three distinct groups of people taking their stand for God under Revelation chapter 14. Also the brazen altar where the fire represented the power of God ,enabling the life had lost its type and was considered as ordinary fire. All the elements associated with the " daily " ( " continuous") morning and evening sacrifice represent how Jesus lived the life under law. The lamb slain by the repentant trespasser represented that the trespasser had acknowledged that the life portrayed by the daily that he could live that also but first he would have to cease transgressing and become dependent on our Father's enabling grace. The cleansing of the individuals life is instigated by the individual for He is a free moral agent,and only he and God know the depths of the individual's cleansing .For the lover of God who is aware that God sees all ,the desire to stand clean in his presence becomes a hungering and thirsting for righteousness. God reveals the blemishes and we seek grace for the change and drink the cup that brings about that change. These things need to be settled in your mind before the bible opens up to you. At this stage there are no miracles to confirm the doctrine,for each is expected to consider doctrine in the context of a creator who loves the created. The two in the field where one is taken and one left at the time of Jesus's return represent those who are cut off after the closed door when the 144,000 are made up. The other two groups the churched and unchurched having ignored the signs and wonders ,treat the rhetoric of the 144,000 as simply a difference of opinion of opposing views. The churched are represented as two women grinding at the mill and the unchurched represented in Luke as two lying in a bed. The treasure in the field is God our Father who is righteous and enables righteousness. The pearl of great price represents the development of the wedding garment onto the grain of sand by an outside power in an environment of irritation ,where the constant temptation is to be rid of the irritation. It is natural for a donkey to protect the sheep , cattle , goats that it shares the field with by biting and kicking predators. So in scripture the donkey is used to express the doctrine that carries us along for it protects us from the wiles of the devil we encounter in life's journey. Baalam donkey first turns into the field when it sees Jesus. Baalam refusing to re-examine the field( the bible doctrine) drives the animal back to his intended path{ first angels message complete}. Next the donkey drives Baalam ' s foot into the wall of the vineyard as it travels through a path in the vineyard . Only signs and wonders can confirm that it is God's vineyard. The wall of the vineyard is the ten commandments. The foot driven into the wall is the signs and wonders confirmation to the churched of the world that they must keep the ten commandments( the Sabbath). Baalam insists the donkey to continue .The third time the donkey sees Jesus is when the signs and wonders to the unchurched are ignored and when that group have made their decision ,probation closes and all the world comes to realise from the cups of indigination that their philosophies can not sustain life. In Revelation 19 v10 the saved are overwhelmed with the need to express their appreciation for the circumstances they find themselves in .The angel says that if anyone should be thanked , all thanks should go to God our Father and it should be remembered that Jesus pays homage to His Father and through Jesus the Father directs the course of life ,making Jesus the spirit of prophecy. This is important to realise, for it enables " testimony" in Revelation12v17 to reclaim its rightful meaning." They keep the ten commandments and also strive to live the example Jesus gave"

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi! To be honest, i have never read such a convoluted mess of ideas posing as truth. Why you are posting this ramble on this video i have no idea. Your writing has "0" relationship to what i am teaching in this video. I don't know how you got to where you are but it is frightening. Nothing you wrote makes any sense! Your emphasis on keeping the 10 commandments indicates you know virtually nothing about the "New" covenant of the Spirit purchased with Jesus blood. This means you aren't saved and are in danger of perishing. My prayer is that by God's "Grace" you would find the simplicity of the gospel and be saved through faith in Jesus Christ.


- 3 years ago  

Visited the site - Keith Green rare vid


- 3 years ago  

I am also recommending people listen to your stuff where ever I can. Not really the kind of content people are open to. But hey we need to get reality. We need to prepare our hearts and stop lying to ourselves.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thank you for sharing! People have no idea how little time they have. Few will hear what i'm saying. Most are in the matrix of "illusion." They will never come out of their deception. Only God's "remnant" will hear the warning just as prophesied! God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

My Chinese friend cannot accept his country is controlled from Rome. I cry out to God every day and sometimes all night. I have accepted that I will not reach old age. I will never kiss that ring. God is my refuge and my strong tower. He is my father and I am His son. I will tell anyone who wants to know about Him but people's hearts are closed. I pray for the remnant in my city. I ask God that they will release what is happening and those who are in false churches will hear His voice and cry before Him and come out and not bow down to the golden statue. God bless you brother.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

What a great reply! The truth is hard for people to accept. I get denial all the time. Jesus said this is the way it would be. Don't stop praying for your friend and the remnant. There's still a few stragglers coming in this last period of time. God's not finished yet. I'm praying for you. God bless you and strengthen you!


- 3 years ago  

I don't know why there's so many illusive stories about this medical tyranny going on ? You know the origin of the sickness, you see who all is involved in it. You see who the leadership is siding with, but no one wants to look at Chy-nah ? It's obvious they have some powerful money to twist everyone's mind including the Vatican.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great to hear from you! It's the other way round. China is totally controlled by the Jesuits. They are being scapegoated as the bad boy just like Russia was during the Jesuit's Cold War. I did a whole video on China - No. 79. I urge you to watch it. What you see in the media is all lies. There are NO bad boys except for the Jesuit cabal. ALL the nation corporations are working together behind the scenes. What you see in the media is PUBLIC THEATER and nothing else. Never believe anything you see on TV. The Jesuits control it all. There is NO sickness. It's a FICTION just like the Spanish Flu is a Fiction. CV19 doesn't exist! The Vatican is running this whole virus-vaccine scam! God bless you!