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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 179 - Skin For Skin!

  - 47:31

In this video i want to talk about the Biblical OT character of Job from the Book of Job which is possibly the oldest manuscript in the Bible. The Book of Job isn’t so much about Job but about the consequences upon Job’s life of an agreement between God and Satan. It’s a REVELATION of HOW the Spiritual REALM works. It’s about AUTHORITY! God’s AUTHORITY over his creation, which INCLUDES SATAN! We would do well to pay close attention to these truths! Job is an exemplar of what people of Faith are to do and NOT to do. If you call yourself Christian then you need to heed the lessons found in the Book of Job and apply them to your own life. We get a bird’s eye view of how both God and Satan operate when dealing with mankind. Understanding God’s character as the fountain of absolute love and justice and Satan as the fountain of absolute hate and injustice is key to dealing with the challenges that life in this fallen, corrupt world brings. REMEMBER that Satan CAN’T just do what he wants. He must get PERMISSION from God to do what he does in the Earth! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” New Tube - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Medical Freedom Alliance - Compilation Of Doctor’s Warnings Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Instagram - Darkness Is Falling The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception






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August 13th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Very good video TRUE 🕊 Glory to King Jesus Christ of Nazareth I am thankful for you William you are very blessed by the hand of Jesus Christ to preach and teach his faithful servants and also bring sinners to repentance . May Jesus Christ bless you abundantly . Thank you for the amazing work Your sister in Christ from Sweden


- 3 years ago  

No we are not in it yet. This is not the great tribulation period. We are still in the pre-trib period. This is the only thing I disagree with you about. The great tribulation period will be much worse than this. We will not enter the great tribulation period until Antichrist is revealed and the restrainer is removed. The restrainer is the church; the bride of Christ. You need to read prophecy more carefully.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great to hear from you! Personal evaluations of the word "worse" are just that. It is "Subjective" and not connected to reality! It can't get much worse than it is now! The Antichrist has been sitting right in plain view for 1700 years but you are blinded by your interpretation of prophecy of a secret "secular" antichrist character "yet to come." It's False! The Roman Catholic Pope IS the Beast. Rev 17 - 19 confirm this 100%. The Vatican is described in detail. The Sea Beast of Rev13 is the Roman Catholic Cult and the Earth Beast is the Jesuit Military Order. The Restrainer "was" the Imperial Roman Empire which WAS removed in 380AD and TRANSITIONED power to Sylvester the 1st Papal Caesar. Tribulation has been ongoing for 17 centuries now and we are in the very last "PAGES" of the last "Chapter." Hundreds of millions, even Billions of people have been murdered by the Catholic Whore AND her Proxy National Governments like the USA, NON-STOP for that whole period of time. You have obviously been SPARED from the CARNAGE that has never stopped worldwide. I have read prophecy very carefully for 41 years and every point i have made is backed up by both Historical and Biblical "proof." IF you had watched ALL 192 videos in this series then you wouldn't be holding onto your incorrect interpretation taught to you by False Teachers. How much more BLOODY does it have to get than the 20th century? Your view is also likely conditioned by your comfortable life in an untroubled part of the world for your whole life. Go to China, or the Middle East or most countries in Africa or Sth America and you'll SEE the Tribulation in progress before your eyes. I'm not sure WHAT you think "Tribulation" entails but a worldwide FASCIST Lock-down and Mark of the Beast non vaccine Bio-Weapon INJECTION now given to almost 5 Billion people IS Great Tribulation. Millions are INJURED and DYING! THAT is almost on YOUR and MY doorstep whether you realize it or not! They are coming after the UN-VAXXED who refuse to take the Mark to KILL them and very, very soon! I'm praying that you'll wake up from this false teaching before it's too late. There is a VEIL over your eyes! This my warning to you! God bless you!


- 3 years ago Eric 777 expounds on this subject and I am not sure if his stuff is good.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great to hear from you! I know of Eric. Nice guy but sadly he's not a believer! I'll check out the link. Thank you for sharing. God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

I believe the concept of 'selling' one's soul to the devil is pure deception as the Bible clearly states in Ezekiel that it is the soul that sins that will die and that 'all' souls belong to God, having been stamped with His image at the creation, the body being only the 'instrument' of unrighteousness through which the condition of the soul is 'revealed'. Gods' final judgment of all created beings, both angelic and human alike prove this. People are deceived into 'thinking' their soul is theirs to sell when in fact it is not. Gods' finger prints are all over His creation inclusive of all created eternal beings. I don't think people understand that the devil's ultimate penalty is the lake of fire because God reserves the right to judge him also. God owns Satan.


- 3 years ago  

I'd like to add what spoke to me most concerning Job's trials. At the end of all of his suffering he said this; "Mine ears had heard of you but now mine eyes have 'seen' you, therefore I repent in sackcloth and ashes." It was Job's suffering which drew him into an even greater relationship of dependence in God. Knowing the truth of the Scriptures it is also key to understand that God never put Job through more than he was able to bear and so shall it be with 'us.'

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great to hear from you! Some points you make are correct! However, the TERM, Selling one's "soul" is "metaphorical." It simply means trading Eternal Salvation for the pleasures of this world. It's a conscious and unconscious exchange people make every day by choosing the world instead of God. It is understood from scripture that ALL souls belong to God whether they admit to this or not! Nevertheless MANY "celebrities" and famous people have DELIBERATELY and CONSCIOUSLY made deals with Satan for Power, Fame and Wealth in this life. This is NOT metaphorical! They have admitted this publicly! They KNOW who they serve! God never OVERRIDES personal choice or WILL so in a sense people DO sell their soul for the things of this world. You are right about Job. Suffering can lead us into a greater place with God. As for "More than we can bear?" Well, this is an abstract notion. We have no idea what we are able to bear, only God does. It's a comfort to know this but it is highly irrelevant to the person who is actually going through great suffering. I should know. I've been terminally ill and been through the mill in my life. Suffering is a notion that is pretty "relative" until it "happens" to us "Subjectively." At that time God gives us more grace! God bless you!