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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 244 - doing ...

  - 1:23:04

In this video i want to talk again about the connections between FAITH, HEARING and DOING the Words Of Jesus Christ! This is incredibly IMPORTANT! The purpose of this video is to ENCOURAGE all who are listening to DO whatever they can for God while there is still an OPPORTUNITY! Soon that TIME of OPPORTUNITY will be gone. Here we are in the very last days of history for this DARK age and there are many, many people preaching a false gospel based on FAITH ONLY! In other words, you don’t have to do anything except believe in your head that Jesus died for you, that your sins are forgiven because you said a RITUAL formula prayer accepting Jesus into your heart and that no matter WHAT you do or DON’T DO you will be saved in the end. This teaching is a LIE from Satan and a horrible distortion of what the Bible teaches. It has led untold millions to Hell over the last 5 centuries. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 256 Videos: Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling 2 Backup Channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling Channels 1 + 3






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August 30th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

A Lamp In The Dark - The Untold History Of The Bible ~ Full Documentary --- a great ex-catholic testimony posted here: User name: King David : I was raised Catholic as a kid/teen, I am not any denomination now, just a Christian who believes and obeys the bible. It is my honest belief that being raised as a Catholic (although my mom meant well, and I am sure other people did too) it kept me in my sins for a very long time. We should all remember one thing though, not all Catholics are bad people, understand that some people are just ignorant so you can't blame them for what they are ignorant of, although you do have some people who refuse to listen to the truth no matter what even if you show them they are wrong. Thats basically what happen to me, I watched a video of a guy preaching about how Catholics are for the most part not Christians and that got me very upset as a Catholic who thought I had the truth (becasue obviously I was raised to think being Catholic is the truth and everyone else was wrong or a perversion) Well, for the first time it lead me to open up the bible instead of having someone read it to me at a Church or tell me things from it. I told myself "I am going to look into this in the bible and see if this is true or not to prove them wrong" because I was doubtful I told God that I would go wherever the truth leads, even if it meant giving up being a Catholic if I was wrong. Well from my own experience of studying what I could and reading the bible for myself, I came to the conclusion being a Catholic was not the whole story and that I found some things Catholics did not right when comparing things I seen at church or from other Catholics and comparing it to the bible seeing if those things are found in there or not. So I basically knew in my gut I should STOP being a Catholic and associating myself as one. I can give a list of reasons why I stopped being a Catholic but just to name a few is how alot of Catholics will bow down like they worship Mary, and yes I have seen this done, my uncle has done it before and keeled before a Mary statue, I have also seen other people using the Rosary like its some type of Worship to Mary, ect. Those things really disturbed me after I realized no where in the bible does it tell us to do such things, and the ironic funny thing is, that I was using my own Catholic bible to prove those things were not in there. This was years ago, what I began to realize was that Catholics and as a Catholic, I was part of a group who although they had the bible and read it and obeyed lots of great things in the bible, I realized that most or alot of Catholics practice TRADITIONS not found in the bible but are man made and did not come from God. This is the main reason I stopped being one, then I basically watched a bunch of preachers and studied and read parts of the bible and decided it would just be best to follow and Obey God/Jesus and his word, and not partake or label myself as any denomination I am sure there are some great churches out there but I haven't been comfortable with one yet that I think has it right at least around where I live. I have alot of Catholic family members, most of them literally do not even care that I show them how none of those traditions are found in the bible, yet they still go on being a catholic saying their Rosary and stuff with Mary..... It makes no sense to me, I could see how being ignorant you could not be blamed, but after being shown or questioned where those traditions are found and not given an answer, it shows you just willing want to be ignorant. Also I fully get Catholics are not suppose to worship mary, they are suppose to use her as a middle person, but even that is wrong because in the bible it says ONLY JESUS is the middle person and no one else is or can be and the sad fact is most or alot of Catholics DO and ARE worshiping Mary in some way. I have seen this for myself in my own family where people are treating Mary as if she is almost as great as God or equal, that is just absurd, I'm not saying Mary is bad or anything but she is not deserving as the same worship as God or even close Thats why I stopped being one Simply put, none of the traditions or at least MOST of them are NOT in the bible, therefor it proves its not from God, and even though lots of the things ARE from the bible, I will not accept errors. Also, as a Catholic I was made to believe I could not ever over come sin or stop or give any sins up. I was told it was just my nature to sin and that basically I was screwed for the rest of my life and have to stay a sinner. When I read the bible for myself I realized that was a lie, and that is why I stayed in my horrible habbits of sin as a catholic It wasn't until after I came to my seneses that Jesus IS the way to give up your sin, and that Jesus commands us to stop sinning, that he expects us to give them up and forsake them, when I finally realized it was POSSIBLE to stop sinning thats when I actually was ABLE to stop doing those sins I used to love doing that I now hate. I gave up major sins I thought I would NEVER give up, I used to be a rapper and curse my brains out, I thought I could NEVER give that up being I worked my whole life for it, but I gave it up. I stopped being dumb and trying to drink or smoke just to be cool, I gave those up, I gave lots of things up Have I sinned since I realized that? Yes I have, however their is a difference As a Catholic I LIVED in sin, I was sin, I practiced sin, because as a Catholic you think you are FORCED to sin and that no matter what will keep doing it and like you have to, which is why I could never over come sins as a Catholic because I didn't believe I actually could based on what I was being told When I realized what Jesus said about sin and what he commanded to other people, I realized you CAN STOP and give up sins, other wise he wouldn't command the impossible. What then happened was I actually gave sins up that I never could have and did before, completely.


- 2 years ago  

Population reduction on planet earth through global vaccine genocide documented:

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Joshua! Good compilation and a timely reminder of what is happening worldwide. Thank you for sharing! I have shared more widely! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Abide in Christ - Andrew Murray (Full Audio Book) -


- 2 years ago  

Thank you for this. I always knew that followers of Christ need to actually ACT in It. Just believing and not acting on It makes them worldlings, lovers of the world. They think they can participate and be friends with the world, but merely their 'belief' in Christ absolves them from that sin... You've explained this Truth better than anyone I have come to. God bless and Godspeed.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Verg! Great to hear from you! So glad that the message was clear. It is not possible to be friends with the world and follow Christ. God bless and keep you strong in faith toward Christ!


- 2 years ago  

William, Jesus Christ said himself that he was doing the will of the Father; He also said that people are known by the "fruits they bear". I thank God for having found you, William, I am very touched by your personal testimony and I admire the energy that you devote to disproving the sneaky preachers of false doctrines. Isn't it well designed? - The person disgusted by liturgical rituals and "externality" will reject everything together with the Bible and living faith... As you said, everyone is different with different possibilities but the zeal should be the same - I will try to do better. Unfortunately people often turn out to be rigid, unable to recognize that they are clinging to false dogma and were so terribly deceived. Often, if one started by talking about Jesus Christ, Revelation and the mark of the beast one would only receive total and immediate rejection. Explaining the effect of the injections, the analyzes of their content, we reveal their plan which leads directly to the understanding of the Apocalypse. Also, some did not take the injections but bought the fake certificates to be able to function socially. I wonder if a doctor who provides himself with the fake vaccination certificate and makes a lot of money by injecting patients while explaining that it is very good for health is not "marked on the hand ( action) and on the head (reasoning)" as beloning to the beast system ? Did the person who wrote to you from Algeria use the email you gave in an old video? I had written time ago that I found you thanks to cardinal Vigano who once mentioned the Jesuits as the source of all evil and I wanted to investigate further - Vigano no longer speaks of the Jesuits at all... Thank you very much for your video, thank you for your prayers, I pray for you, William, too. May God continue to protect, bless and inspire you. See you next week, I hope !

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna! I agree 100%. We are drowning in "false" teaching. It is so "normal" that people can't recognize the truth when they hear it. We are living in the most dangerous time. I knew that there would be corruption in the "Injection" system and i have been hearing different reports. I'm not surprised. These people are evil, betraying their patients. They will not escape punishment! Re: Nigerian email - I don't know how he found my email address. Possibly from my You Tube channels. Vigano is a Jesuit. He was exposing the Jesuits in order to flush out truthers. The Jesuits will do this in order to identify their enemies. Many people were led astray by Vigano. Knowing the truth would you believe any official from the Roman Catholic Cult? I certainly wouldn't. God bless you sister. Thanks for sharing. Thank you for your prayers. Stand strong in faith in Christ and share wherever you can. You are right, it's all God willing!