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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 278 - KAOS

  - 1:55:25

In this video i want to examine WHAT we are watching playing out in the MSM and SM from day to day! Can you SEE the rising tide of CHAOS everywhere and in particular the USA? We are watching the provocation of the people by every manner of violent, wicked and even senseless act. There APPEARS to be no SENSE to a lot of these events BUT i would caution you to LOOK more CLOSELY. The dictionary defines CHAOS as, ”Complete disorder and confusion.” From Old French (14c) meaning, “gaping void; empty, immeasurable space," directly from Latin chaos, from Greek khaos meaning, "abyss, that which gapes wide open, that which is vast and empty.” You can see the difference in meaning of the word today. IF you KNOW your JESUIT enemy then you will SEE the STRATEGY of CHAOS they are using to bring ALL people into COMPLIANCE and CONTROL. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Ten Pages - 282 Videos New Tube - Darkness Is Falling Video Series - 6 Pages 282 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling 2 Backup Channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling Channels 1 + 3






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Uploaded a year ago  

April 20th 2023  

File Size: 498 MB

Category: How To & Education



- half a year ago  

Thankyou and i am sharing. I am guessing that you must be a professor because of your excellent use of language at describing these world events and thier psyops.


- a year ago  

Controversial but very interesting - A Tribulation Dream from the Lord with Maurice Sklar -

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Josh! Thanks for sharing. Just a few thoughts. I have heard a number of these so called dreams or visions from the Lord by various people over the years. They are always very graphic, "dystopic" and dramatic. Looking back it is clear that these visions have been mostly wrong and also supported false doctrines like the "rapture," "Two Churches" and "Zionism." Airborne nuclear warfare is also a fiction. It is also amazing how Americans insist that the USA is Babylon when the Bible clearly indicates that both Rome the city and Rome the empire are. The Bible only ever talks about one "city" that rules the world and it isn't NYC or Washington DC. Some of the minor details in these visions may prove to be true in the long run. When we look at what is happening now we can see that the great "deception" and Marking are virtually complete. There may be some gun and mob violence in the USA ultimately but no one else has any guns. What is really happening makes all these visions look like some kind of fantastic Hollywood movie scenario. Some cities may burn but Rome will most likely be first according to Revelation 17:16-18. As we see the rapid disintegration of social order, health and the money system worldwide it is clear that time is very short and that the two Beasts have almost accomplished their goal. Time always tests these visions and most of them i believe are NOT from God. Like that liar and Masonic Zionist Jonathan Cahn these people are quick to prophesy lying dreams and visions and the Bible says so. Their judgement follows them. Be careful what you believe brother. Extra Biblical visions are all suspect. What we need to know about the end has already been given to us by the prophets a long time ago. God bless you!


- a year ago  

Dear William, I totally agree with you, hence the word 'controversial' - although there is a prophecy I do believe and pay careful attention to and is coming to pass so far as prophesied: Henry Gruver Prince Charles Vision:


- a year ago  

A very powerful testimony - Ken Peters received a dream over 30 years ago. His dream gives clear direction and revelation of end-time world events, including the tribulation -


- a year ago  

Classic climategate exchange:


- a year ago  

Tomorrow - Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm - the satanic UK government Catholic Jesuit Freemason witches will carry out a public Emergency Alerts system on all 4G and 5G enabled mobile phones - the emergency alert will sound like a loud siren with vibration and a message appearing on the phone screen for 10 seconds. --- --- This kind of thing has NEVER happened before with everyone receiving SIMULTANEOUS text message and special noise alarm with vibration on their private mobile phones without consent all at the SAME TIME country wide or anything like it except when the now-Richard Branson/Virgin-privatised evil NHS was banging people with text messages to get their covid death-shots - it can only be a MKUltra Mark of the Beast mind control trigger system. It will only be happening on 4G and 5G technologies - which are mind control technologies - 3G and below are not mind control technologies and will not be part of the test. --- Occult wise - Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm and 10 seconds = 7(Sunday) + 23 + 04(April) + 3pm + 10 seconds = 7+2+3+04+2+0+2+3+3+10 = 36 = 18 = 666.


- a year ago


- a year ago -- UK’s new Emergency Alerts system on Sunday April 23rd at 15:00 -- Calculated another way - with Sunday as 1 (instead of the occult 7) = 01+04+23 + 15 = 5 + 6 + 6 = 5(1+2+3+4+5) = 15 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 = 666

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Josh! Once again thanks for taking the time to share. We have those alerts in Canada as well. Personally, i believe they can do this anywhere now. The technology infrastructure has been in place worldwide for at least a decade. I have no doubt that what you're saying is true. I'm wondering myself what the effect will be on the population in the UK tomorrow. God bless you!


- a year ago  

And its happening on an occult SUN day WORSHIP.


- a year ago  

Derek Prince - a stunning 2001, 3-hour biography :


- a year ago  

Although Derek Prince quoted from various bibles (including the witchcraft NIV during some of his live teachings) and also 'corrected' the King James Bible at times in quotation and teaching (he was a Greek scholar and a self taught Hebrew speaker) but stated time and again, that whenever the Lord spoke to him, the Lord always spoke to him in old King James Bible English.


- a year ago  

Derek Prince - towards the end of his 50+ year plus ministry stated he only read the bible and rarely ever read anything else anymore and only read anything apart from the bible after consulting with the Lord. Although during his pre-Christian years he read many books - but over his 50+ year ministry all reading left him except that of the bible. I have noted a similar pattern with other 40/50+ year Christian ministers who slowly but surely realised the only thing of value in life was in the bible and all had turned fully to the word alone in the twilight of their ministries, whilst still living active ministerial lives.


- a year ago  

Derek Prince - notes towards the end of his 50+ year ministry in serving our Lord:Jesus Christ, the Lord advised him to (1) focus on Christians NEEDS and not on judging their FAULTS and (2) to focus on the poor, widows, fatherless and orphans.