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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 237 - Just Facts!

  - 2:11:23

This video contains a podcast of an interview on Monday July 11th, 2022 with George Hobbs from The Fact Hunter website. George contacted me on Instagram and asked if i was interested and although i was hesitant to do it yet i believed that i had to do it at this late stage of world events. This was in the hope of maybe a few more people hearing the truth and possibly finding salvation before the end. George proved to be hospitable, courteous and accommodating as an interviewer and put me right at ease. You will hear me speaking on a lighter note in the podcast than is usually heard in my video messages and this is because the videos carry such a weight of seriousness. There is generally little room for humour and levity in the subject matter i usually talk about because there is so much at stake. This podcast has been embedded in the home page of my website at and posted on my William M Boot Face Book page where you can also listen to it. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 250 Videos - Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling 2 - Back up channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling - Channels 1 + 3






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July 14th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Hi William, I hope you don't mind me posting a link on here, I believe it's a very pertinent Interview concerning the upcoming reset by someone who knows how this is going to go down. It aligns with your own timeline and reveals some quite distressing info. I know that In Christ we have no need to fear these things but after perusing this interview, I realise that apart from Christ, nobody is going to get through this. It's a two part interview, with part 3 to come. I apologise in advance if you find it to be nonsense but I honestly felt led to share it with you. God Bless you William for all of the work you do.


- 2 years ago  

Fascinating when one thinks about an entity throughout history that covers the goals of a fascist NWO takeover of mankind, that also must be a religious entity who speaks words against the most High, changing the times and laws of God; the only entity that applies is Roman Catholicism. There is no other hierarchical form that has this extended reach to all the nations, controlling by Serpent deceit in both political and spiritual, other than the satanic Jesuit-Papacy.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Great to hear from you and i agree 100%! I'm glad your eyes are OPEN. The only hope for man is Jesus Christ. No one will escape what is coming. God bless and keep you!


- 2 years ago  

New BBC (Bum Boys Club) - use 33rd degree female cambridge mason witch to convince unmarked to get marked: "Prof Fry cites University of Cambridge research that suggests that if you want to convince someone o get vaccinated, you can't just talk up the positives and ignore downsides. 'It's about being honest about the bad stuff as well as the good stuff,' she says." + " Prof Fry empties another bag of jelly beans, this time containing thousands of sweets. 'Imagine I told you to pick out the one foul jelly bean out of 33,000" ---


- 2 years ago  

(Precuror and practice for the big one to come: Covid-19) --- 1989 Vatican AIDS conference: ATTENDEES GATHERED TO DEVELOP A PANDEMIC RESPONSE that was total, spiritual, cultural, psychological, and medical. --- --- First day of conference at Vatican City: Robert Gallo, the co-discoverer of HIV, predicted that a viable AIDS vaccine would be available by 1991 or 1992. --- Second day of conference at Vatican City: Any doctor who refused, he said, should have his license revoked. ---


- 2 years ago  

Vatican only has 10 million to spend and where does it spend it!!! --- ---


- 2 years ago  

First two videos: point the Covid-19 conspiracy at the Vatican & Switzerland (not watched the rest but provide the links for persual): --- CULT OF THE MEDICS (Chapter One) --- -- CULT OF THE MEDICS (Chapter Two) --- --- CULT OF THE MEDICS (Chapter Three) --- --- CULT OF THE MEDICS (Chapter Four) --- --- CULT OF THE MEDICS (Chapter Five) --- --- CULT OF THE MEDICS (Chapter Six) ---


- 2 years ago  

You have also chapter 7 and 8, especially chapter 8 Research Notes containing absolutely "delicious" links - you will not regret to look at them ! ___________________________________________ All these facts corroborate what William said to us. _______________________________________________ (I have found D.Whitehead "Cult" series on Rumble : DWTRUTHWARRIOR Thank you for all you links you shared with us. _________________________________ God bless you.


- 2 years ago  

The Fact Hunter Interview with William M. Boot ---

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Joshua! Thanks for sharing the links. Wonderful! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Vatican owned Switzerland - the land of the Covid-19 conspiracy: Coronagate Coronagate2


- 2 years ago  

Me too, I thank you for this interview, Mr. William. You were very moved in the intro video, and so are many of us.________________________________________________ In France, the resistance is groving stronger - the president does not have a majority in parliament and the opposition made a small encouraging first success by voting against and rejecting the government's proposal for another "covidic" law. Organized pressure on MPs is increasing to follow this right direction. Some, like Valérie Bugault, who understood how the whole system works, have been working since the 1990s on a new system Similar to Catherine Austin Fitz in USA ______________________________________ Unfortunately many poeple are not receptive to the spiritual dimension at all, and it's impossible to say to an injected person that this person is damned or even that he, or she, will soon get ill or die. Saint John was inspired to write Revelation so long ago - all of these announced prophecies are happening. But why ? Why does all this have to happen that way and not something else instead ? This question may seem totally nonsensical but I don't have the satisfying answer..._____________________________________ Thank you again Mr William for all your inspired work and your dedication, I never forget you in my prayers. God bless you !

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna! Thanks for your comments. Most people are NOT responsive to the spiritual dimension BUT like you and me they have free will to acknowledge God and their Sin or NOT! It is their choice to reject Christ and go their own way. The destiny of this world is NOT ours to decide. It is God's creation. We are a part of that. We can choose to OBEY God's commands or reject them BUT ultimately we will give an account of our lives and actions in the end. God is GOOD and Satan is EVIL. I choose God and GOOD. It's as simple as that. This is the way God knew it would be! I know that you have made the same choice - the RIGHT choice. God bless you and keep you sister!


- 2 years ago  

Bonjour, vous êtes française visiblement... Peut-être qu'il est possible d'échanger sur ces sujets? Je ne sais pas comment envoyer de message directement sur ce site hormis dans les commentaires. Je vous donne une adresse jdpm2.73 at (lettres et chiffres décalées de 1 en avant). Bien cordialement...


- 2 years ago  

Erreur d'inattention: jdpo2.73 @


- 2 years ago  

Thank you so much for posting this interview, Brother William. It has deepened my understanding further - as if I needed any more convincing of the identity the TRUE antichrist of the Book of Revelations and the Mark Of The Beast. _____________________________________________________________________ I will redouble my efforts online, and open as many eyes to the Truth of salvation in Jesus Christ alone EVERY DAY until I leave this fallen & falling world and enter into eternity in Christ. ________________________________________________________________ Brother William, I am eternally grateful to God that in all my searching for the Truth that I found you. You are loved and I send my prayers for your safety and endurance. _______________________________________________________________ A true brother and soldier in Christ. ================================================ "There is one point many believers do not clearly understand: every believer has eternal life (John 3:15-16), but not all believers will enter the millennial kingdom. Eternal life is obtained through the gift God gives of His righteousness to us; whereas the millennial kingdom is entered by means of one’s own righteousness.Eternal life is obtained by faith and will never be lost, but the millennial kingdom is prepared for those who, through victorious living, overcome. (See Revelation 2:26-27;3:11.) Eternal life is possessed in this age; the millennial kingdom will be set up at the Lord’s second coming." - WATCHMAN NEE =========================================================== Brother William may all your good works earn you reign with Christ in the millennial kingdom, in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen. ===========================================================

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Orinoco! So great to hear from you and thank you for your encouragements. It's great to hear your resove to do more for the kingdom. That is great! I do not however agree with this statement by Nee. There is no room here to examine it. As i wrote earlier in an email BEWARE of Nee's writings. He has some ideas that are not Biblical. Do not be led astray by this man in any way. Stay in the Word instead. God bless you richly!