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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 83 - The Roman Beast & The "Great Delusion"

  - 43:24

In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 the apostle Paul writes that God will send a Great Delusion on those who received not the love of the truth that they might be saved, rejecting righteousness and preferring to do evil. It is the last resort for God who has waited 2 thousand years for people to repent of their sins and turn back to him as their king. Now there is nothing left but judgement as God hands the people of the Earth over to the Roman Papal Caesar of the 4th Beast kingdom of Daniel to take his Mark and become slaves of Satan's prince. The same thing happened in the days of Noah when God waited more than 1 hundred years while an ark was being built. People had ample time to turn away from evil and be saved but refused and perished in the great flood. Estimates vary between 8 and 10 billion people were destroyed. The end of this age is at hand as the Jesuits push their Fake pandemic and Medical Inquisition worldwide. The Fake virus is the last part of the "science" Delusion and will drive people to exhaustion and desperation. Putting their trust in man and not God they will submit to taking the 3 in 1 ID2020 DNA smart vaccine which is the Mark of the Beast. This final act marks the end of the Great Delusion and results in the eternal "damnation" of each soul who takes the Beast's Mark. Learn more at: The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 77 - The "Mark Of The Beast" - A Watchman Report 5 The Inquisition: Rome’s Never Ending War On Humanity! The Jesuits And The Theory Of Evolution! Pythagoras Mystery Schools






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March 21st 2021  

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Category: How To & Education

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- 3 years ago  

Mass Media: mkultra Blue Bird Project. They can utilise EMF frequencies to deliver satanic messages. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."