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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 94 - Luciferian Jesuit "Vaccine" Deception!

  - 32:24

Satan works through people just like God works through people and the people- the group that work hard to establish Satan’s BEAST kingdom here on Earth are the Jesuit Military Order of Rome. This is achieved by DECEPTION and LIES on a GRAND scale never before seen in human history! TV is the main instrument of deception accompanied by gross public IGNORANCE of REAL SCIENCE FACTS! Very soon every human being that submits to the Roman world government command to receive a Covid 19 VACCINE is receiving the Mark Of The Beast that will damn them eternally. Remember that world government- the whole world system ruled by the Vatican - is the IMAGE - the MOUTHPIECE of the Vatican Beast! Daily in the MSM propaganda we see and hear the lies about the vaccine race. There is NO vaccine race people. It is a total deception to keep ignorant people in FEAR and ANTICIPATION so that they will take it when pressured to do so. I have heard people actually say in ignorance, “I’ll be first in line” just so they can return to their “Normal” life! I can assure you the Mark of the Beast vaccine was developed long ago. It has been ready to go for years. At least 10 years! The Jesuits plan decades in advance, even centuries! They have been working toward their Papal New World Order for 500 years with complete focus and persistence! They are Satan’s frontline soldiers in the plan to destroy humanity! Do NOT be deceived. This coming Beast vaccine WILL NOT be administered by standard needle or syringe. I repeat, WILL NOT! It WILL NOT be a conventional syringe/liquid vial application. Do NOT be deceived by the pictures you see everywhere in all MEDIA of standard needles and vials. It is a blanket deception. This is NOT what will be administered when the time comes. A single needle CAN’T form a tattoo image. This can only be done with multiple needles in the same way a tattooist forms a tattoo patch under the skin with multiple needles using different colors.






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