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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 171 - Rwanda!

  - 53:31

In this video i’m going to provide a different slant to the terrible massacre that occurred in Rwanda, Central East Africa in 1994 which has mostly been explained away as JUST another incident of ethnic cleansing and for the most part forgotten. I’m going to lay the blame for this horrendous atrocity at the feet of the Jesuit run US military establishment where it belongs. The genocide is a direct outcome of a long period of Jesuit involvement in African affairs and was a high tech INTERVENTION experiment using cutting edge micro wave technology perpetrated as part of their social engineering program and political control of the region. This was codenamed “CRIMSON MIST.” Remember that the Jesuits have been using the American military, intelligence and industrial complex for at least a century and a half. The Jesuits created the FBI, CIA, NSA and military industrial complex through high level Roman Catholics, Freemasons and Satanists like Michael Aquino. This fact is not a secret! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! “Operation Crimson Mist, Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda” Joe Vialls 
May 29, 2003 “17 Facts About The Rwandan Genocide” Last updated on August 27th, 2019 “A Short History of the Rwandan Genocide “ ByJennifer Rosenberg Updated May 07, 2019 “The Rwanda-Burundi, Hutu-Tutsi Conflict Is Far From Over” - March 11, 2021






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July 13th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

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- 3 years ago  

Satire laughter- So the pope has surgery one lung and he claims to be god on earth....whew i feel relieved Reminds me of Elijah's mockery of the priests of baal, maybe he is tired or might be in the bathroom, always good to have some humor

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

I get it! The God-Man has to have surgery because he's getting old. It's so sad for the people who worship the pope as God. What a deception! Make no mistake though that this man is the antichrist. He may be old but he is EVIL INCARNATE! He's far from finished doing what he must do before he gets thrown into the Lake Of Fire!


- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. Breaking News Graphene Hydrogel. Celeste Solum - Breaking News Graphene Hydrogel - JAB SCIENCE of Graphene Quantum Dots - GQD!

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for sharing David! I'll have a look soon!


- 3 years ago  

looks like this technology is being used in south africa right now. thank you uploader

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Yes! You could be right. Anywhere where people have lost their minds in numbers would be a good indication of crowd manipulation. Thank you for sharing. God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

Also this video confirms what i always believed 2001 i was in the navy and military technologies i was taught is always 15 years more advanced then the current civilian technological advances of the day we were using 4g capable tech and smart devices back in 01 so yes this incident with the c130 plane and the flip in aggression of those people are very much so accurate


- 3 years ago  

In fact they are potentially hundreds of years ahead in some tech. There is much debate that 300 years ago were more advanced than today in many ways. However we will never know. An example is free ionosphere electricity which Tesla's financiers were murdered for as he was unrevealing it again. They murdered a whole ocean vessel of people to cover it up, they sent three buildings and thousands of innocents in NY to their deaths and most likely dozens more in Miami to cover up McAfee. They starved more than 10 million Germans and raped 100,000 of woman post world war 2 - so called allies.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for your comments. All pertinent! We will never know the true extent of lies and skullduggery until the kingdom! The Jesuits are the worst! God will reveal all!


- 3 years ago  

Greetings, I found this on EJ Phelps web page looks like he is promoting the futurist interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi! Thanks for sharing! Watch out for Phelps. I learned a lot from him initially and then he ran me into some big potholes years ago. I personally believe he is controlled opposition but others disagree. Take the good and spit out the bad. Futurism is a Jesuit doctrine. That's why i'm suspicious of him. He also preaches a false Calvinist gospel devoid of the Spirit!. God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. Escellant video. I have studied for three or four years about EMF mind control/augmentation etc. One Take Away Key I thought about was the EMF Weapon of Electronic Apathy being used by Jesuit controlled government on Americans today and during the election. Graphene Nano-particles via injection into the body magnifies Apathy, or any emotion they beam at a person, when they use that emotion's correct frequency, and it is multiplied many times by magnetofaction graphene nanotechnology, especially when 5G towers are used.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi David I'm sure this technology has and is being used on peoples everywhere. It makes no difference with elections though because they are all fake. No governments are elected. There is only a 1 world government controlled by the Vatican through the UN. ALL leaders are just Papal "Managers." What is more concerning is that these technologies could be used to some extent to sway "weak" people away from FAITH in Christ so that they vaccinate out of FEAR! That may be possible. For those who have chosen to get INJECTED already it makes no difference. They are doomed. My prayer is that even those weak in faith will resist temptation and stand firm in faith towards God and be obedient even unto death!


- 3 years ago  

From David. Yes I understand all elections are fake but most people don't. I know a lot of Americans and many family members are American. Most were Rah, Rah we are going to take back the Presidency from the Commander and Thief and the Militia were ready but everything quietly died as acceptance and apathy crept in.


- 3 years ago  

I found out about this horrific mind manipulation on the people of Rwanda a couple of years ago but even at the time it happened I just knew that something was very wrong as those poor people had somehow completely lost their minds en mass, the savagery was beyond belief, they didn't just kill each other they truly massacred each other without a second thought. Now we know just how utterly evil these people are, we know that this manipulation is going on and that they could turn every one of us into a murderer, killing for the sake of it without thinking. I believe that they soon will and that really is terrifying.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great to hear from you! It is pretty crazy what the Jesuit science cabal can do with their secret technologies. I encourage you not to fear but place all your trust and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no way out of the world prison that the Jesuits have created. There is no where to escape to that they don't control. God is our only hope for the future after this entire evil Beast system is destroyed. Do not be afraid! God bless you!