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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 125 - Vac-Stat Update!

  - 23:44

This video is URGENT and will be short and consists of statistics for the Covid mRNA vaccine rollout worldwide. Today I received an email with a warning message and a link to a website called I felt it was necessary to make this video and get the information out quickly! Will put this link in the description box below. I urge all of you listening to send the link far and wide to friends, relatives and 3rd parties that can get this URGENT message out on a wider scale before there is an outage. This website now can be accessed on ALTERNATIVE platforms in the event their website is shut down. As many of you would be aware there is a virtual news blackout worldwide on vaccine mortalities. This is deliberate as I have shared in many videos as ALL world media is owned and controlled by the Vatican Corporation. We are only getting a controlled trickle of reports with the assurance from the Vatican WHO that these casualties are NORMAL. Of course anyone who understands the Jesuits knows implicitly that we are being LIED to continually and that in reality the CASUALTY RATE situation is far WORSE than we could ever imagine. Based on the UK Department of Health reports and statistics we can estimate conservatively that 2.36% of mRNA vaccine recipients will die within a 24 hour timeframe or suffer severe injuries over the following days and weeks may of which will die later. Knowing that the mRNA vaccines are ALL the same we can safely assume that this figure of 2.36% and probably GREATER will extend worldwide! PLEASE NOTE: Vaccine deaths will be RECORDED as VIRUS DEATHS. This is how the mainstream will NOT hear of the true casualty rate and so be WARNED! ALARMING STATS ARE TRICKLING IN ON VAX CASUALTIES! THE TRUTH ON TOTAL STATS WILL NEVER BE DISCLOSED! ROMAN MEDIA IS COVERING UP REAL WORLD FATALITIES! Learn more at: MAIN CHANNEL IS HERE: Free Documents & URL’s






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March 10th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education

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