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Dragon Slayer Intel



Liberty Statue Idol may have already been here in this reality

Imagine if you will ? <--( Gone from existence ! M.E.- missing from old films ) Upon closer inspection, you can see this place Ellis Island is in ruin. The building on the far side has 2/3 of the roof missing. There is rubble and dirt/sand covering some of these Pagan symbols on the platform base, where the Star of Moloch an inlay of tile or brick. The lairs who manufacture the history story we are taught. This is a highly Mandela effected Statue and area. What I can tell folks in truth, is the evidence of deception is EVERYWHERE, and people have to be willingly gullible and blind to believe anything TPTB saith ! Lucy you got some splain'in to do! <---( Gone, was in the Lucy show M.E.) Pow,,,Right in the Kisser <---(Gone from the Jacky Gleason films more M.E.) [{( And before long, God the giver of peace will crush Satan under YOUR feet.]}) ROMANS 16:20 stomp, stomp, stomp, crush and stomp again ! We are the champions, we are the champions, End full stop, NO WORLD Queen band M.E. So you don't think all this Mandela Effect stuff is real, if that is what you think, please just move on and take your jab juice foolishly trusting the Babylonian bull coming out of the BEAST SYSTEM. The beast of Revelations and all paid for and pushed by the Antichrist sons of the devil. Bye bye or repent, pick one.. Providing Biblical Analysis Of The Mandela Effect o==(------Intel-------------- GERMANY! STORM OF THE CENTURY IN BAVARIA! PEOPLE ARE HIDING IN THE TUNNELS! sept11 END – CHINA, TWO BIG CITIES, XI'AN AND SHANGHAI, WERE HIT BY VIOLENT RAINSTORMS SHANGHAI o=====||»»»»»»»VICTORY»»»»»»»»»»»» Scriptures for America Get baptized Acts 2:38 -|- Mark 16:16






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Uploaded half a year ago  

September 13th 2023  

1 Comment

Dragon Slayer Intel

- half a year ago  

It is not easy to express all the needed info., in the tiny space I can use when posting information and links. So you end up with chopped sentences and other half explained , but shown none the less important facts of the realm and times. You get what you get...