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Dragon Slayer Intel



Star-Forts-and-old-world-technology - plus my comments

  - 40:02

How is this possible ? None of these fantastic buildings have heating or cooling? None were built with plumbing no sinks or toilets, why not? They have plumbing outside with incredible fountains and statues squirting water and carrying waters all over with brilliant engineering and lighted waterfalls and more. But not a single toilet, or the things people require to prosper and live. Where are the food plots, and public facilities required for waste? These massive buildings were already here when we got there.. Its a crazy historic dual past with cowboys, frontier forts, settlement camps and gold strikes. Waves of settlers and indigenous tribes that used their own tents and huts, while all these old but fantastically made buildings just needed dug out and cleaned up. Many of these Castles remain 50% or so, underground in mud. Some are as if they just popped into our reality. Go figure this out with our BS history books, all cleansed of factual truth.. The LIARS are BUSTED all truth and everything hidden is coming out and I think God is laughing at the dirty lying devils whom grew fat off the sweat of our backs and deceived everybody.. And baby's for sale w/ orphan trains full of the new stock?? Some of us have been given information, or shown things and the spirit of truth.. Glory to God. We will learn all eventually.. star-forts-and-old-world-tech ( I found this video on odysee from ''autodidactic'' ) ----Add a comment if you like, especially if you have good info.----- ----If you want to live---- 2nd Chronicles 7:14 IF my people whom are called by my Name --> Christ 'ians.. --> Live player --->






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August 7th 2022  

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1 Comment

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

Peace be with you brothers in Christ. You know, ive been around a lot longer than most of you all. I actually took trains from the old days through New York, and though I was a child of 4 years old, I remember ! The train stations had wonderful architecture, the fabric on the seats were strong like carpet and clean, floral patterns. The trains were even made to last forever, everything seemed in good condition. The sky was a deeper blue, and air was fresh. I stood next to the Empire State building and looked up as it faded away into the clouds. There were a few blimps operating and I remember people seemed accustomed to technology. My dad was a scientist working on new kinds of paper and ink at that time.. We left the keys in the automobiles at night with other valuables in site. Honesty was the norm and I miss the decent honorable God fearing people of that day ! That attitude is gone now, mostly, but by GOD it will return !