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Music Video: Sacred Sound Transmission ~ Lover's Touch ~ Alternative Audio Visual ((432Hz))

  - 9:44

Ladies & Gentlemen, I present you the 2nd version of this phenomenal spoken word piece by Marja West who hired the likes of myself to give it some visuals, Om Hu for the magical music, and Doriane Greens to add a french touch to it- The Third version in this trinity trilogy will be in french with another set of visuals I'm working on. I leave the rest of the delightful details in the words of Marja: "Hello, my Loves!! Muah! Welcome to LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 338 Today’s video is an energy healing transmission, a sound, and visual healing to be received: Heart-Mind-Body-Soul. It is a beautiful collaboration with my beloveds: Carlos (OmHu), Derek Bartolacelli, and Doriane Greens. It began as an intentional prayer, declaration, mantra, meditation, and affirmation I wrote to The Beloved~~supercharged with healing energies and powerful loving subliminals for healing sexual shame and magnetising Divine Love of the highest order. That same day, my friend, OmHu sent me beautifully sublime music that he had composed, and it was clear that his music and my prayer would come together and cocreate a Divine Portal. In this Divine Portal, I was inspired to invite my beloved Derek Bartolacelli and his videography skills to bring light and form to the forefront of this vision of beauty, hope, and vulnerability required to heal our hearts and traumas around our sexuality. My beloved sister, Doriane Greens, graces our collaboration, having translated my words to her native French, speaking and dancing this prayer into full being. Free Your Minds. Let go. Receive. Feel. This healing journey acknowledges the distortions perpetuated by the dark feminine and dark masculine trapped within the respective anima-animus of man and woman, ignited by atavism, further concretised by in-the-Matrix divides throughout our human history. We are awakening to the Truth. Enjoy this prayer~meditation~transmission~healing. You are Divine-In-The-Flesh. You are Divine Love. PEACE






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April 28th 2023  

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