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One Time For The Mind - Conscious Hip Hop Compilation ((432Hz))

  - 1:11:41

this is kinda like a tribute to that mind over matter vibe, the truth seeking & speaking, the process of the evolving mind of one who commits their will power to break thru in higher levels of consciousness! This is Protected.... by the Hermetic Seal.. or put differently, this is hermetically sealed.. The First Natural Law Principle: Mentalism, where everything that ever existed first came from the mind (of the creator or whatever one chooses to label god). Remember when your mind was a sponge? It still is , it's just dried up cuz u haven't been watering it properly to soak up the good stuff.. gotta decalcify those fluoride deposits, remove those stubborn stains of ignorance, negative knowledge, and those know-it-all notions.. to really have a pure mind, one must go thru the destructive process of breaking down all the false paradigms they've been taught or told to believe.. this is the alchemical process of man or womb-man.. this is the individual inner work- the apophatic inquiry.. the alignment to truth and the calibration of your moral compass.. the best graphic info chart i've seen on this: the trinity of thought interestingly parallels to the 3 brains/3 cognitive chakras in the body, as well as other synchronicities with three i imagine.. follow me for a sec.. Gut, Heart, Brain... sacral or solar plexus, heart, crown chakras... Thought, Emotion, Action.. the efficiency and effectiveness is complimented by the trivium: knowledge, understanding, wisdom- in this reality, which seems to be made up of time, space and matter.. anyway, getting on a tangent of fascinating concepts to contemplate.. That's just 1 time 4 the m1nd yo ;) the mind is like an umbrella, it works when it's open album art: everyone probably recognizes this picture used in countless memes in internet land.. this dude always puts a smile on my face- maybe not so much when folks write some ignorant shit on it tho..






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 30th 2021  

File Size: 172 MB

Category: Music

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