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Free Pie With ID 2020 Registration! Vàçç Passport Predetermined Over A Year Ago

  - 20:32

Much love and respect to Truthstream Media and Joycamp for their great work! It's been good to listen to these guys the past few days.. Helps take the edge off during these devastatingly draconian times.. Links: Truthstream Media: JoyCamp: So what do vaccines, medical records, block chain, IOT, digital currency, microchip implants, technocracy, transhumanism, new satellite surveillance systems, censorship, active denial tech, A.I., digital records, drones, smart meters, smart grids, space fence, space force and geoengineering have to do with 5g? i mean COVID 19 (acronym for Crisis Opportunity Vaccine ID?).. or both rather, since 5g is ramping up big time while most of humanity is stuck at home.. it's integral in many of the issues mentioned above and it is needed to power this A.I. global grid in the works.. There's been talk about 5g being solely responsible for the outbreak and it's a slippery slope that one.. what we can be certain of however, is that 5g radiation compromises people's health so they're more susceptible to dis-ease.. it does seem too odd in regards to Wuhan and their early rollout with 5g- not to mention other big events in and around that city for the past 2 years.. Let's not forget there were mass protests and some riots going on in that country before the talk of the town took the planet over, virally.. Other links: I've put together a playlist called 2020 Health Watch that now has over 160 videos and counting as we clear up the smoke from this medical marshal law plandemic.. noticed over a dozen videos in there are deleted already. Please share these videos far and wide.. The mainstream media is doing their usual job of brainwashing the masses to only trust them and not those "conspiracy theories" out there.. There's no theory to what's presently going on that hundreds of people have been warning us for decades to wh






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