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Watch Out! The Biggest Brother's State of Surveillance Hip Hop Mix ((432))

  - 1:02:44

The Biggest Brother Hip Hop Mixtape.. This may seem a little outdated, but always relevant despite the evolution of technology.. the tactics are the same, but augmented with the tech obviously, and to be honest, a good amount of this tech is sold to the public on purpose to increase mass human surveillance.. the internet, tv microphones, all types of bugs, smart meters, alexa, smart watches, smart kitchens, smart____, etc, and many other devices under the guise of health/sport apps & gadgets, etc (short list).. The worst thing you could take away from a full listening to this project is to become paranoid and/or powerless.. it's actually the opposite- they are paranoid (af) and pretty powerless aside from the power/money/attention we give them.. it just shows us again how powerful we actually are (altho most of it is untapped potential), and the lengths and measures they are willing to take to invest in so much tech in order to keep some kind of all seeing eyes on us- aside from poisoning us in countless ways, psychologically dumbed down and distracted, divided and spiritually conquered.. there are too many people at this point who know about these things, yet have not taken any action at all to change it, and i ask you all to please step up your efforts.. the majority of humanity can all do better, my self included of course.. gotta remove our support of the technocracy/technopoly/technotalitarian/TechnOrwelian/ transhumanist control grid/network/players involved surveillance is a broad term that means to surveille, but it usually implies visual surveillance, but in today's technological transhumanist technomonoploies' obsession, the control system has become obsessed with tracking our every move, purchase, consumption, energy usage, energy levels, and nutrition even (short list).. yes, agenda 2030 has a lot to do with this, COVID has a lot to do with this, the satellite launching project, space force & fifeG has a lot to do with this..






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

October 9th 2021  

File Size: 151 MB

Category: Music

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