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Time Outta Mind - Hip Hop Time Capsules Mix 4 ((432))

  - 1:31:03

various Hip Hop to help keep your mind in align while you're steady on the grind. Started to gather songs in this time capsule series when i was working 70+ hrs a week 7 days & nights all summer long which took up the majority of all my free time and any spair time was used up for necessities if i even had the energy to gettem done.. i barely had energy or time for anything it seemed and i also felt out of sync with my spiritual side with a lower vibration sort to speak.. i'll take responsibility for a lot of that due to the fact i was bartending and, well, drinking everyday became part of the job, which ran me ragged towards the end.. just trying to stay up to date with so much that happened in 2016 had me nauseous at times due to an info overload and no real time to fully analyze and digest it all.. which can be frustrating to not be able to form a good mature opinion about specific things, but i digress.. i truly felt outta time outta mind try'n to run around and beat the clock in between work shifts, which is the main idea behind this musical project.. I wrote that to put this mix in perspective- it's not about me, but rather the countless number of people in similar situations that are suspended in this miasma of cycles, compromises and constraints of time within the rat race known as life in this monetary society that the world has become. We did not reincarnate into this time/space reality to be indoctrinated for 15+ years of school preparing us to work 40+ hrs a week, plopping in front of the tv during work nights and maybe go fishing on the weekend.. we are not defined by our work, but rather our art of life, our contributions to our environment and our enrichment of direct experiences through time.. ∞∞∞∞TRACKLIST∞∞∞∞ Intro - Alcatraz Session Headnodic Remix - Nick Andre & E Da Boss Stir Things (snippet) - They Made Monsters Time outta mind snippets - various description box too small to include all






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 15th 2021  

File Size: 219 MB

Category: Music

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