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Alan S



From New Age to Jesus - a testimony

  - 23:54

My testimony about coming to Jesus Christ.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

January 1st 2021  

File Size: 161 MB



- 3 years ago  

Thank you so very much, brother. I am Kim, 29 years old; I went through a very similar experience in my life where I recently was saved by the grace of God, I went through all the demonic stuff in my early years as well and am so thankful to have found the light, to have found Jesus Christ in my life, I am so glad you have as well, and I thank you so much for sharing your testimonial, it was very inspiring and also informative. I recently asked Jesus to guide me away from anything demonic in my life and help me not be tempted by it, and if something like that comes across me I get physically sick, and I am so grateful for that sign. Again, thank you so much for this video. I am also going to record my testimonial soon and upload it whenever I can find good enough internet connection :) Take care, and praise the Lord, Jesus Christ <3


- 3 years ago  

"The jews" so called, have only existed since about 125 BC. They are the Edomites and Canaanites whom John Hyrcanus, the High Priest, forced to "convert and be circumcized", but they are not the holy nation - they are evil personified, and by assuming Israelite identity, they then immediately murdered the Son of God - Annas and Caiaphas being jews. The Lord Jesus Christ only was sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, and you are one of that white race, whom the jews continue to seek to destroy. "My sheep hear My voice", and you, like me, heard that voice, and responded to it. The jews can never do this, because they are of their father the devil - they are the synagogue of satan.