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Tony HellerPLUS



Fourth Time Is The Charm

  - 7:14

Leaky vaccines spawn new variants, which then get blamed on the uninjected and become the excuse for new injections. The cycle repeats over and over again.






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January 7th 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

This is the reason the government is working so hard to keep the population divided. If the vaccinated and unvaccinated got together and refused to work unless the mandate was removed, the mandate would end tomorrow. That is why they are poisoning the minds of the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. The vaccinated would be wise to remember the words of Martin Neimöller, a protestant minister during the Nazi rule of Germany under Hitler. "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out, Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out, Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me." ― Martin Niemöller My advice to the vaccinated is they should come to the defense of the unvaccinated, otherwise there will be no one to speak up for the vaccinated when the government comes for them. And they will come.


- 2 years ago  

1. "Spanish Flu" has been confirmed by autopsy to have been bacterial meningitis. It wasn't a flu at all. 2. There is a correlation between flu-like pandemics and upgrades in the intensity of electromagnetic pollution. 3. Germ theory is wrong, terrain theory is correct (Beauchamp/Pasteur battle) 4. "Viruses" are not alive, have no "will to survive" or replicating ability without a host cell. Since they are not alive, they cannot enter a cell on their own, the cell must voluntarily accept them. "Viruses" are better thought of as exosomes - cell detritus with information for other cells to expel similar stored cell detritus. If your cells get damaged (by stress, bad nutrition, EM pollution or other poisons such as "vaccines") then we would naturally expect a healthy body to expel large quantities of these "viruses" as it cleans house. 5. This would naturally lead to the expected result that the more people you vaccinate, the more illness will be seen as healthy people's bodies try to expel the toxin.


- 2 years ago  

You have two wrongs mentioned. First, you are going on the assumption contagion is a thing. it is not. A virus does not hop from one person to another. Second is the deaths were caused by a virus. they were not. The majority of deaths were caused by the bugs in the masks. please research your topics a bit more.


- 2 years ago  

I don't understand the take-away. You seem to say either that (1) the vaccine does not work ("the big lie") or (2) accelerates Covid transmission, or both 1 and 2, scaling according to the number of vaccinated hosts (Israel; Australia; an unvaccinated tennis player is still healthy there), on the basis of (3) the timeline correlation between infected hosts and number vaccinated. Are correlations between vaccinated and infection incidents meant to be the basis for inferring that the vaccines do not work and/or accelerate transmission? That would seem to infer from the correlations that the vaccine does not cause your body to create antibodies, where if you later become infected with the COVID-19 virus, these antibodies help fight the virus (i.e., 1, vaccine does not work) - and further: More people who have this publicly available vaccine causes more people to become infected (2, accelerates transmission). Correlations in a graphical information do not typically justify inferences about causality in the world. They do illustrate a strong likelihood of causality. There's usually a wide range of causal influences that explain correlations between graphical data points. One necessary and sufficient causal condition would be that the vaccine does not work ("the big lie"), but I am not tempted to believe that without an independent source that specifically refutes the idea that mRNA helps successfully develop antibodies. And of course, 1 being true would seem to be necessary for 2 to be true. Maybe the take-away is that people gaining immunity from an "unnatural" vaccine causes more people to become infected. If so, the question is: What are the relational properties of the vaccine that causes our bodies to be more dangerous hosts of the virus, accelerating transmissibility? Without an answer, I'm not inclined to believe the vaccine is by and large dangerous for everyone to take on the basis of the graphs alone.


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

You didn’t mention a few things about the Spanish Flu that might be instructive. The reason for the large number of deaths in younger vibrant people was that they were killed by their own immune systems over-reacting to the infection. Those with less effective immune systems didn’t succumb to their own immune systems. Also, the long term effects of the Spanish Flu actually lasted for about ten years.


- 2 years ago  

Please STOP calling the poison shot a vaccine. It is not a vaccine, period.


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

viruses are not cells ! please stick to climate ...


- 2 years ago  

I love Tony's work but I think he's cutting corners a bit. In the AO Summer Sheet at 3:43 encircled in red says "for which you 'may' be elegible". That statement promises nothing. Making a rod for his own back if not corrected or clarified.


- 2 years ago  

Germ theory is false. Bacteria do not cause disease and viruses do not exist at all. I'm afraid you are suffering under a false paradigm. ... The 1918 flu was caused by the vaccine they took ... there was vaccines then ... you are wrong


- 2 years ago  

Thank you for all the videos , research and evidence you give us. What is happening with climate change and covid jabs is horrendous and led by a few megalomaniacs.

Mark's Modern Life

- 2 years ago  

I wish there was a Reverse-Shallow-Hal injection that we could offer to Bill Gates. This one makes the person look on the outside as ugly as they are in their soul.


- 2 years ago  

Never again - we never learn do we?


- 2 years ago This explains the mechanism of the vaccine and demonstrates the danger of it.


- 2 years ago  

The percentage of fatalities was much greater than what we have today.


- 2 years ago  

Would have been nice to see the graphic for Spanish Flu deaths compared to graphic of Covid-19 deaths.


- 2 years ago  

I guess, but only the Spanish Flu graph would be reliable. I doubt they were counting things like motorcycle accidents as flu deaths.

Eric Frei

- 2 years ago  

1918 to 1919 Spanish flu, world population 1.8 billion and 50 million deaths Covid today, world population 7.8 billion and 5.5 million deaths .... what would it have been without intervention? Or a better question is, what would have happened if in 1918 to 1919 they got covid instead of the Spanish flu because certainly housing, medication etc today is far superior to what they had in 1918. I do understand the curves though but what you cannot determine is how many lives vaccines saved with covid


- 2 years ago  

Also unknown is how many lives would have been saved if governments had to suppressed the use of theraputics.

Gyri Sulcie

- 2 years ago  

We become 8 billion people sometime during January 2022. Rising at about 78 million people per year still.

Mark's Modern Life

- 2 years ago  

I just ran the numbers of deaths per 100k for both cases. Case A (Spanish Flu) had a mortality rate of 2777 per 100k, while Case B (Covid19++) has had a mortality rate of just 70 per 100k. The ratio is 40:1.


- 2 years ago  

Logic and actual truth must win.


- 2 years ago  

Great video! Bill Gates didn’t finish college and he is telling all of us to get vaccinated over and over , booster after booster and now Pfizer has a vaccine approved to vaccinate kids as young as 5. I heard there has been a small but growing statistical upswing among vaccinated pregnant women that they are having more and more still births and babies with deformities. But Fauci did say recently he never said covid vaccines were totally safe. ———— Curious how after each booster vaccination in Israel another upswing in a new covid variant pops up, yet the unvaccinated get blamed.


- 2 years ago  

Most of the Israeli population is already triple vaxed, I hope there's nothing wrong with the vaccine. An entire generation may be subject to after effects. Wanna get rid of all the Jews in the middle east, jab, jab, jab....I really hope they did their homework.


- 2 years ago  

You mean like spontaneous abortions and still births?


- 2 years ago  

I am a physician at our local hospital in rural Minnesota. In December the majority of our admissions were of unvaccinated adults. I know that this will change and in a matter of months we will be following Israel’s pattern of repeated spikes of vaxxed and boosted patients. I personally have treated/worked with two young women disabled following their second Pfizer vaccination—both with variants of vascular inflammation. One of the two was reported to VAERS and happened to correspond to a vaccine lot linked to 72 adverse outcomes (second highest of lots tracked). We need to stop vaccinating healthy children and young adults.


- 2 years ago  

In the worldwide effort to outsmart the virus, beginning with putting sick patients in nursing homes, worldwide travel, untested leaky vaccines, phony masks, 1 million virus experts in the media, we've guaranteed the virus will mutate and be with us for a long, long time. We're so far behind we think we're ahead.


- 2 years ago  

"We've just gotta make it through 2024" -- Nancy Pelosi

Josef Brandt

- 2 years ago  

Why shouldn`t they create a multiresistant virus in the same way multiresistant bacteria evolved (or had been created) ? Brings more profit !


- 2 years ago  

Most people are stupid, and half of them are twice as stupid.


- 2 years ago  

There is an obvious pattern of groupthink and sunk cost thinking To be certain, admitting a terrible misadventure based on faulty understanding and doubling down on erroneous actions, would be embarrassing and absolutely discredit the "experts" in charge. And the subtle re-messaging is beginning. NOW, public officials admit most of the admissions to hospital of children are with incidental COVID and most of the COVID deaths are related to MULTIPLE comorbidities (perhaps a 1600%, or sixteen times inflation), funny that.


- 2 years ago  

It's amazing that this hasn't gotten any better after 2+ years. It's gotten worse...


- 2 years ago  

A perfect video, Tony. "Never again" came back around rather soon as I pointed out some time ago. Wearing a mask makes people look retarded or crazy to me. There is something pathologically askew in the psyche of mask wearers. Masks are useless as a filter for viruses and cause real problems with limiting the intake of O2 and build ups of CO2. Why do people wear them? Because they have been told to. Mandated. I ignore the sign at the entrance to my local store which states "Masks Required". I was the only person to be maskless for over a year. Now several others are mask-free as well. But they don't look very happy. In fact, no one does. Except me. You know, there is no way to ever recover from this on an individual level except through divine intervention. As a species we are screwed, however. Good luck.


- 2 years ago  


All is for YOUR Glory

- 2 years ago  

Once again Toni, thank you for your voice of reason.