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BREAKING! Leaked Airline Documents Reveal HORRIFIC Details About 'Vaccinated' Pilots

  - 16:40

Sourced of - Stew Peters Show - -- Rumble — Internal documents obtained by Dr. Jane Ruby illustrate catastrophe waiting to happen! Airline pilots are dropping dead at alarming rates after being forced to take the jab, or face losing their careers. This is a MAJOR concern for hundreds of thousands of daily air travelers, and it's only getting worse!






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June 22nd 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

Why the rush to jab everyone including children and pregnant women? They want to get as many jabs in arms before the 2021 winter flu season starts and the ghastly truth that masses of people are dropping dead like flies is unavoidable .....


- 3 years ago  

Hi seedofchange , that`s one aspect - exactly the dead will be the reason how the cabal will push harder for the jab using it as reason with their bend stats, next the jabbed are shedding or infecting via fluid exchange :-)), if only one is jabbed , and at that time we only see the first wave of real funerals .And there will still be some braindead lining up for the jab .Next the health /fire/police/infrastructure etc globally is stretched since so many had the jab or are forced out by quarantine regulations,by then the first wave of vac long term victims start turning up in masses ,it becomes a self feeding circle and we are getting dangerously fast to the endpoint , IMO the very reason gates had his smirk sick grin when he talked about population reduction by 10 or 15 % years ago . stay safe Fredy


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates, New World order, reduce population of the earth to 500 million. Ensure all governments are under their control. Written in stone. Stele in Atlanta Georgia in front of their Courthouse. Can be googled. It has begun. Take over the world. USA first because it is the largest free country. Canada is a good front door. Explains the political craziness going on in the states right now. Put into motion in 2008 withObama. China also attempting to fulfil its mandate of world control. Get a virus and give it a vile history and sell the fear. Can’t put A world full of people in internment camps so find a way to lock them up in their own homes. Ensure that they wear masks to enable the virus to continue until the goal is met. Two or three years if necessary. Ensure vaccines are loaded and ready. (Contagious). Spiked proteins, shedding. Just my opinion.


- 3 years ago  

How is it not criminal to mandate the taking of an unapproved experimental injection? Employees must en mass refuse to be a part of an experiment, if enough stand up the insane employers can't fire you all.


- 3 years ago  

I wont be getting on a plane any time soon.


- 3 years ago  

At what point will these people that are forcing enoculations be called out for what they really are? COMMUNISTS!!!!! From the top of the corporate shit pile to the person sticking the needle in your arm. "Just following orders" Oh well, I guess I'll see you in the gulag.