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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire - 298 - War Of The Worlds

  - 1:59:42

The Final chapter of this HISTORY OF WAR against mankind is actually outlined in a Fiction novel titled very specifically, “War Of The Worlds.” The title alone should ALERT us to its Spiritual and metaphorical importance. The novel was written by a man named HG Wells and published in 1898. This book IS a template or “playbook” that the Jesuit Order has been following, along with, “Art Of War” which they themselves wrote in 1776 and the “Council Of Trent document,” which they also formulated earlier in 1565 and are the basis for 500 years of War and Revolution. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Eleven Pages - 310 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble 2 - Backup Channel - Darkness Is Falling BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling Channels 1 + 3 - Darkness Is Falling






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Uploaded half a year ago  

September 3rd 2023  

File Size: 458 MB

Category: How To & Education



- half a year ago  

The true authors & orchestrators of the 'pandemic', and 'cure', are not known, and Never will be, apart from at the Great White Throne Judgement. Satan and his Jesuit Order are far, far too careful, and powerful at this point in creation, to allow anyone but whom they designate, to be known.


- half a year ago  

BY THEIR FRUITS (WORKS) YE SHALL KNOW THEM...[KJV 1611] Dan 2:47 ...Of a trueth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of Kings, and a reuealer of secrets...=== EQUALS === [KJV 1611] Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing, but inwardly they are rauening wolues. --- [KJV 1611] Mat 7:16 Yee shall knowe them by their fruits: Doe men gather grapes of thornes, or figges of thistles? --- [KJV 1611] Mat 7:17 Euen so, euery good tree bringeth forth good fruit: but a corrupt tree bringeth forth euill fruit. --- [KJV 1611] Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth euil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. --- [KJV 1611] Mat 7:19 Euery tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen downe, and cast into the fire. --- [KJV 1611] Mat 7:20 WHEREFORE BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM.


- half a year ago  

Why The King James Bible Is Not A Human Book -


- half a year ago  

Proof The King James Bible Is Not A Human Book -


- half a year ago  

H. G. Wells - The Shape of Things to Come -


- half a year ago  

THE FINAL BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON - WILL BE FOUGHT IN THE AIR NOT ON THE GROUND : Satan and his armies will attack from the AIR (the BREATH of the Earth) - Jerusalem (Salem) where the Lord Jesus and his saints of God are ABOVE the Earth in Heaven. --- [KJV] Rev 16:16 Rev 20:8 And shall goe out to deceiue the nations which are in the foure quarters of the earth, Gog & Magog, to gather them together to battell: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. --- [KJV] Rev 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. --- [KJV] Rev 16:16 Rev 20:9 And THEY WENT VP ON THE BREADTH of the earth, and compassed the campe of the Saints about, and the beloued citie: and fire came downe from God out of heauen, and deuoured them.


- half a year ago  

THE FINAL BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON - WILL BE FOUGHT IN THE AIR NOT ON THE GROUND : Satan and his armies will attack from the AIR (the BREATH of the Earth) - Jerusalem (Salem) where the Lord Jesus and his saints of God are ABOVE the Earth in Heaven. --- [KJV 1611] Rev 20:8 And shall goe out to deceiue the nations which are in the foure quarters of the earth, Gog & Magog, to gather them together to battell: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. --- [KJV] Rev 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. --- [KJV 1611] Rev 20:9 And THEY WENT VP ON THE BREADTH of the earth, and compassed the campe of the Saints about, and the beloued citie: and fire came downe from God out of heauen, and deuoured them.


- half a year ago  

Great episode. Excellent reference footage. Thanks for sustaining your output and keeping the beacon lit. God bless you and your ministry, brother in Christ.


- half a year ago  

Hello, Orinoco. I am glad to you see commenting again. I was wondering what became of you, and if you were being censored.


- half a year ago  

[KJV 1611] 2Pe 3:8 But (beloued) BEE NOT IGNORANT OF THIS ONE THING, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand yeeres, and a thousand yeeres as one day.


- half a year ago  

Nicaragua throws out the Catholc Jesuit Nazi terrorists seizing some of their registered homes and assets including forcibly closing their colleges : The Central American nation of Nicaragua has now dropped the guillotine on the Society of Jesus, otherwise known as the Jesuit Order, officially rescinding their legal status in the land, along with seizing some of their registered homes and assets including forcibly closing their colleges. The Jesuit college Central American University (UCA) - stands accused of being a “center for terrorism organized by criminal groups". The UCA has always been in harmony with the Society of Jesus and the Catholic Church. The government asserts UCA as a “centre of terrorism,” blaming the college for having “betrayed the trust of the Nicaraguan people.” The the Central America and Caribbean Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights condemned the confiscation of the university’s assets and reminded the State of Nicaragua of its obligation to justify this serious measure in accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. To control propganda of the Catholc Jesuit Nazi terrorists and their US,UK and EU allies - Late in 2020, the legislature — filled with Ortega loyalists — passed a law criminalizing news not authorized by the government. The cybercrime law hands down hefty prison terms for anyone publishing what authorities deem "fake" news on social media or news outlets. This has created a hostile environment for critics and 'independent' news outlets. --- +++ --- Ortega has long downplayed the coronavirus. From the beginning, he has denounced lockdowns and mask mandates. His wife, Rosario Murillo, who is also vice president, encouraged large gatherings. Early in the pandemic, health care workers said they were even barred from wearing protective gear, so as not to alarm the public. "The most terrible virus that has infected our planet is the virus of capitalism," said the 75-year-old leader. He blasted rich countries for hoarding vaccines. Only about 2% of Nicaragua's population has received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccines donated from Russia, India and the United Nations-backed COVAX program. ---