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  - 39:13

Microbiologist Dr. Bhakdi, like so many other doctors, warns of impending "doom" during a Fox News interview that went viral, thus having Dr. Bhakdi censored from Mainstream Media, calls for criminal prosecutions of the people responsible and an immediate halt to this global experiment. He warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID "vaccines" are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population. First, he explains that the PCR test has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific. Then, he explains what the mRNA vaccines are going to do to the human body in terms and using analogies that anyone can understand. Among other concerns, he expects massive deadly clotting as well as immune system responses that will destroy the human body.






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April 22nd 2021  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- 3 years ago  

Americans burned people for being witches , nothing much has changed in 200 years


- 3 years ago  

This doctor and his wife are to be applauded for their attempts to inform us so that we may, ourselves, make an 'informed consent' decision. Instead, they are vilified by establishment, finance, corporate pharmaceutical interests and even corrupt members of their own profession. Just like any others who dare to speak out in accord with their knowledge, their Hippocratic oath and their consciences. Bravo for them! Time for us all to wake up to this ghastly, totalitarian plan unfolding before our very eyes.


- 3 years ago  

I truly don't know how otherwise intelligent people can support vaccinations when they have full knowledge of all of the deleterious ingredients in them. It seems to me that this scientist must have that knowledge. Vaccines are in fact the scourge of our society by causing autoimmune conditions and neurological and behavioral problems in massive numbers of people. I was born in 1960 and as far as I can remember received three vaccinations. I did not know one single person that had asthma or autism or a family member with autism growing up. I have confirmed this with my brother and sister that this is their experience as well. In fact, I didn't know what a puffer was until I saw my mother using one for her COPD in the mid-1980s. If one looks at the vaccination schedule, these problems have been increasing with every succeeding increase in the number of shots children received throughout their childhood. The latest number I saw is something like 90 shots from childhood to age 17. The claims of effectiveness of vaccine are also dubious, and certainly have never been proven. I am reading a book now called The Poisoned Needle, and it is quite clear the claims of vaccines ending epidemics is false because every vaccine was introduced at the tail end of an epidemic or even after the epidemic was over.


- 3 years ago  

It is not hard to figure out why more doctors aren't speaking out; it is because they have gotten used to a high living standard and they don't want to risk it. They know full well that the various medical associations have an iron grip on what day can say and do and can cancel their license to practice at any time. The same thing goes for scientific researchers, as confirmed by dr. Mike Yeadon who stated on a recent video I saw that many, if not most, of his colleagues agreed with him but refuse to speak up I would have fear of having their funding cancelled. In either case, it is because their livelihoods are at risk. It's a simple tool of control, and it is only going to get worse and worse when you have more and more people dependant on government for their income. The same to all is being used to coerce people in some instances to accept these shots.


- 3 years ago  

All of these scientists that are coming on these shows and being interviewed seem to have this weird attachment to this PCR test and simply cannot let go of the notion that it has any value in diagnostic medicine at all. My understanding from what Kary Mullis has said in interviews is that the PCR is not a test at all but in fact is a research tool used to replicate either parts of or entire viruses so they can be more easily studied. One thing for certain is that Kary Mullis stated absolutely that the PCR is not suitable for diagnostic purposes at all.


- 3 years ago  

PCR is junk to diagnose, that is NOT why Kary Mullis invented it.


- 3 years ago  

It is not only that the test is being inappropriately applied as a 'diagnostic' tool but also that the cycle threshold is not usually published and which, at almost universally greater than 35, artificially increases the false positive rate to a possible 90%+. The most pernicious part of all this is that this misdirection is executed quite deliberately to ramp up hysteria and fear in the population the better to exercise mass control and manipulation. Add in the almost universal media stonewalling of any dissent or disagreement from anywhere about anything along with the totally incorrect interchangeable use of 'case' and 'positive pcr' and we can see how duplicitous this 'testing' of the healthy really is. A positive pcr test result is NOT the same as a case which usually requires a patient to exhibit symptoms and to be confirmed by other test methods. Of course, it is merely to set the inescapable 'logic' in place so that you or I can be quarantined (read controlled) without restriction, accountability or objection to suit whatever purpose is behind all this. Did someone say Agenda2030? ..... the most published 'conspiracy' around. Apparently, even though the UN has published it decades ago (as Agengda21) with regular updates for all to see, if you mention it anywhere ... you will be labelled a 'conspiracy' nut. We have entered the hell that is herd mentality whilst destroying any hope of herd immunity. 'They' have turned a not very deadly disease into a population reduction opportunity ( let's call it what it really is ... genocide ) for the billionaire eugenicists and psychopathic control freaks. Dark days ahead.