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  - 46:26

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enough with the Trump train going over the cliff, and finding excuses for this obvious deep state collaborator. Time for Trump to answer for his own crimes against humanity, in allowing for his warp speed untested vaccine genocide on gullible citizens; And time for a real champion of the people, like Ron DeSantis, that constantly defends everyone's free speech and medical autonomy, from the Covid scamdemic tyranny, along with unconstitutional medical harassment and discrimination, which also goes against basic human rights, and the Nuremberg Code. Trump pushing his Warp Speed untested Covid vaccine development, made it possible for Biden, leftist state governors, and communist mayors, to impose their Covid tyranny on the people; It really was a "Good Cop Bad Cop Routine" team effort on all parts, to divide America and the world, as well as attacking constitutional and basic human rights. Like Trump selling billions of dollars of dangerous weapons to the brutal dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, after pointing the finger at them for 9/11, was not bad enough. DAVID KNIGHT EXPOSING TRUMP'S TREASON: 1. 2. 3. 4. ALEX JONES EXPOSING THE TREASON OF DONALD TRUMP: 1. 2. DONALD TRUMP THE FLIP-FLOP FR@UD: 1. 2.






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August 19th 2022  

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Category: News



- a year ago  

I don't believe Trump could mandate the Vaccine because of the Nuremberg trials. This so-called vaccine which does not even fit the criteria of a vaccine, never completed its controlled Human trials. Anyone who willingly takes this shot is volunteering as a test subject in a non-controlled test trial which is a trial where its tests volunteers' general quality health and genetic hereditary predispositions are normally recorded and evaluated to screen out inappropriate test subjects.Non- controlled testing in itself is extremely unethical but to test on pregnant women and infants is a heinous criminal act!


- a year ago  

Trump is the only person in politics at this moment who I see did anything worth a shit for this country!!


- a year ago  

Go to hell David ick, you evil lizzard sell out POS. At least Trump did not sell out to save his hide, like you have. Trump just moved out of the way for the time being.


- 2 years ago  

They are getting clever with anti Trump propaganda. Cuz I remember clearly he was mostly promoting what the hell is it called? Hydroxychloraquine and Ivermectin but the media slammed him relentlessly. Now the media continually plays his "father of the vax" crap. it's a joke. I go with "if they don't want him in because they can't control him", then that's who I want in there . At this point we have little to lose. Trump is not initiated and therefore cannot be controled . He was lied to by the swamp and misled and embattled legally the entire presidency. I do not recall this happening to other presidents. Congress would not cooperate with him as there were many Rhino's to upset the votes . All of his Exec ordr's were undone the very first day of Bidens presidency after the election was stolen . Sure he has allegiances to people who have helped him in the past but the Globalists are afraid of him. Fck the TDS mfr's


- 2 years ago  

The jab was rushed so that it would be under the Emergency Use Authorization. If not ,the deep state would have made it mandatory for everyone. His "vaccines" he talked about were HCQ and Ivermectin. Besides, nobody made anyone get the jab. You had a choice. Time for people to wake up and be responsible for their own actions! Quit, get another job, whatever you have to do to survive. You make your own choice, stop blaming others! And remember " You're Watching a Movie!"


- 2 years ago  

----------------------------------------------- March 10, 2021 ----------------------------------------------- === Statement by Donald. J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America === "I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine, that if I wasn't President, you wouldn't be getting that beautiful "shot" for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!"


- 2 years ago  

Enough with the Trump train going over the cliff, and finding excuses for this obvious deep state collaborator. Time for Trump to answer for his own crimes against humanity, in allowing for his warp speed untested vaccine genocide on gullible citizens; And time for a real champion of the people, like Ron DeSantis, that constantly defends everyone's free speech and medical autonomy, from the Covid scamdemic tyranny, along with unconstitutional medical harassment and discrimination, which also goes against basic human rights, and the Nuremberg Code. Trump pushing his Warp Speed untested Covid vaccine development, made it possible for Biden, leftist state governors, and communist mayors, to impose their Covid tyranny on the people; It really was a "Good Cop Bad Cop Routine" team effort on all parts, to divide America and the world, as well as attacking constitutional and basic human rights. And like that was not bad enough, like the good war-profiteer that he is, with financial stocks in weapons manufactures for him and his family, Trump sold billions of dollars of dangerous weapons to the brutal dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, after pointing the finger at them for 9/11 in the past. And like his Psycho buddy Sean Hannity, and other news media warmongering puppets, recently Trump, really a Rothschild's puppet himself, saved from bankruptcy by the satanic family, made it clear that he also wanted war with Russia, over super corrupt money laundering Ukraine, arresting their own journalists, shutting down critical news stations, and committing crimes against humanity on their own population. Words like "Trump Derangement Syndrome" often comes out of the mouth of sellout cheerleading sockpuppets, either refusing to see the truth about Trump, or covering up for his crimes.