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Johnny and Joe time



Jordan talks to Israel Reading all the terrible stupid comments by Infowarriors makes me want to stop tuning into Alex. But, all Info-warriors should know that Alex is basically Jewish by birth with his Grandparents being Jewish. Alex uses Jewish and Yiddish words which means he associates closely with Jews despite his rants about Jesus. He knows that his monetary support comes mainly from Non Jewish listeners, so he appeals to them. This is why he had Nutbar Ye on and basement boy Nick spewing anti Jewish crap for 3 hours, This cements his audience to support a Real Jesus anti Jew personality. It was a good interview with BN. I and you should not pretend to know the politics or what goes on in Israel just like we know nothing about Transylvanias politics. It was mainly about specific ownership of land and basically at some point in History occupiers set up ownership rules. Many great battles have taken place everywhere. Most recent in Ukraine, USA, etc. This has nothing to do with the Jewish religion or any love or hate for any group, but idiots try to make it about that. In Canada and the US the land was given for free to those that Tended and improved the Land, maybe Europe too. The people that live in Palestine want one thing, to remove Jews from Israel and they toss babies over the wall with bombs and then Young Israel sharpshooters kill them. Israel has offered to pay for all Palestinians to settle n Egypt with a great border with Israel and peace. Palestinians just want to kill and be killed and Egypt doesn’t want them either.






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December 7th 2022  

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